Past Perfect Tense Digunakan Untuk

Past Perfect Tense Digunakan Untuk

1.carilah Defenisi Past Perfect Tense ! 2.Kapan Kita menggunakan Past Perfect Tense ? 3.carilah fungsi Past Perfect Tense ! 4.carilah contoh kalimat Past Perfect Tense !

Daftar Isi

1. 1.carilah Defenisi Past Perfect Tense ! 2.Kapan Kita menggunakan Past Perfect Tense ? 3.carilah fungsi Past Perfect Tense ! 4.carilah contoh kalimat Past Perfect Tense !

1. past perfect tense adalah tenses yg digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu pekerjaan (kata kerja) sudah selesai dilakukan/ telah dilakukan pada masa lampau sebelum pekerjaan lain/ini dilakukan

2. pada saat menceritakan kejadian yg telah terjadi di masa lampau

3. (+)  subject + had + V3

4. my brother had slept

2. Cerita pendek menggunakan 4 tense, simple past tense, past continous tense, past perfect tense, dan past perfect continous tense dan signal waktu







lagu mati sakit jiwa 24 ABAT

3. Buat kalimat1.Past perfect - past tense2.Past Tense - Past Perfect3.Present Perfect- Past tense 4.Past tense - Present Perfect​

1. the movie had started before we got onto the cinema.

2. I took a rest immediately after i had studied.


We have been friends since we were 7 years old.


Mom gave me a book that i've always wanted to read.

4. contoh kalimat positif,negarif tanya dari present perfect tense present perfect continuous tense Simple Past Tense past continuous tense past perfect tense past perfect continuous tense simple future tense future continuous tense future perfect tense future perfect continuous tense Simple Past future tense past future continuous tense past future perfect tense past future perfect continuous tense​


A. present perfect continuous tense

contoh:(+) you have been working since 2015

(-) you have not been working since 2015

(?) have you been working since 2015?

B. simple Past tense

contoh: (+) i was worked hard for company

(-) i did not worked hard for company

(?) did i work hard company?


sorry cuman bisa bantu segini

5. teks yang ada past perfect tense dan past past continuous tense dan past perfect continuous tense

modul simpati halaman 28

6. Contoh penggunaan simple past past continuous, past perfect, past perfect continous tense


Simple Past Continous Tense

(+) Kalimat positif: S + was/were + Ving.

(-) Kalimat negatif: S + was/were + not + Ving.

(?) Kalimat tanya: Was/were + S + Ving?1. (+) Adinda was talking to me when her mother called. (Adinda sedang berbicara denganku ketika ibunya menelepon)

2. (-) Adinda was not talking to me when her mother called. (Adinda tidak sedang berbicara denganku ketika ibunya menelepon)

(?) Was Adinda talking to you when her mother called? (Apakah Adinda sedang berbicara denganmu ketika ibunya menelepon?)

Past Perfect

Kalimat positif: S + had + past participle (V-3)

Kalimat negatif: S + had + not + past participle (V-3)

Kalimat interogatif/kalimat tanya: Had + S + past participle (V-3)

1. I had finished the work.

2. Mom had gone since morning to do her work.

3. She didn't want to move. She had lived in Depok all her life.

Past Perfect Continous Tense

Kalimat positif (+), S + had + been + V-ing (present participle)

Kalimat negatif (-), S + had not + been + V-ing (present participle)

Kalimat interogatif (?), Had + S + been + V-ing (present participle)

1. When my mom came, her friends had been chatting for two hours. (Ketika ibuku datang, teman-temannya sudah menunggu selama dua jam.)

I Hope Can Help You More

7. Buat karangan narrative text menggunakan tenses simple past tense, present perfect, past perfect, perfect continous tense

simple past tense : we were in bandung last week
 maaf klo salah

8. membuat dialog menggunakan Past tense, past perfect, past future dan past perfect.(di bantu yah kak)​


maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu

jangan lupa like

9. Membuat cerita menggunakan past perfect, future perfect, dan past tense

Bahasa Inggris XYZ


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Beranda / Grammar Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Cerita Menggunakan Paragraf Past Future Perfect Tense

Sabtu, Juni 04, 2022

PARAGRAF PAST FUTURE PERFECT TENSE DALAM BAHASA INDONESIA DAN ARTINYA - Selamat datang kebali di ruang belajar bahasa Inggris kami. Di hari yang cerah ini semoga teman – teman semua diberi kesehatan oleh Allah SWT. Seperti biasa kita akan membuat latihan cerita – cerita singkat dari jenis – jenis Grammar dalam bahasa Inggris. Dalam kesempatan ini kita akan membuat latihan dalam grammar future tense. Seperti yang sudah teman – teman ketahui bahwa future tense adalah salah satu grammar dalam bahasa Inggris yang membahas akan masa depan. Tanpa buang – buang waktu, mari langsung saja kita lihat beberapa contoh singkat dibawah ini;


Wanita asal Ungkap Cara Melunasi Hutangnya dalam 7 Hari

Wealth Amulet

Banyak Pasien Diabetes Indonesia Nyesal Tak Cepat Tau Ini


Warga Yang Sakit Lutut dan Pinggul Wajib Membaca Ini!

Joint Cream

Contoh Cerita Menggunakan Paragraf Past Future Perfect Tense

John and Ryan argued over football game 2 days ago. They support different club and getting emotional toward eachother. Me, John, and Ryan are best friends since we were a kid. We meet first in elementary school and being friend since then. I never expected we are silent for eachother because of football game. I know they were ridiculous for argue over football but I don’t want to leave them either. I could have leaving them behind since long time ago if silly reasons could break my friendship. They are my best friend and I always stick with them no matter what (John dan Ryan bertengkar karena sepak bola 2 hari yang lalu. Mereka mendukung grup yang berbeda dan memancing emosi satusama lain. Aku, John, dan Ryan adalah teman dekat sejak kami kecil. Kami pertam kali bertemu di sekolah dasar dan menjadi teman sejak saat itu. Aku tidak pernah menyangka kami akan saling diam satu – sama lain. Aku tahu mereka sangat konyol bertengkar karena sepak bola tetapi aku tidak akan meninggalkan mereka juga. Aku bisa saja meninggalkan mereka sejak dulu kala jika alasan bodoh seperti ini dapat menghancurkan persahabatan).

10. tulis kalimat dengan menggunakan past perfect tense dan past tense untuk menggambarkan garis waktu in​


I had my dinner before I finished my homework.

I finished my homework after I had my dinner.


Jawaban merupakan materi pembelajaran Past Perfect Tense karena menjelaskan 2 kejadian di masa lampau, dimana kejadian pertama lebih dulu selesai sebelum kejadian ke dua di masa lampau.

Kejadian / peristiwa pertama yang terjadi terlebih dahulu menggunakan kata kerja bantu "had + Verb-3", baru diikuti peristiwa ke dua menggunakan Simple Past Tense.

Jadi, dalam jawaban yang mengikuti aturan resmi Past Perfect Tense, maka "I had my dinner" terjadi lebih dulu, baru "I finished my homework".

Semoga membantu ya.

11. mohon dibantu saya sama sekali tidak bisa bahasa inggris disuruh membuat kalimat verb 1,2,3 dengan kata kerja help, dijadikan present tense, present countinous tense, present perfect tense, present perfect countinous tense, past tense, past countious tense, past perfect tense, past perfect countinous tense, future tense, future countinous tense, future perfect tense, future perfect countious tense, past future tense, past future countinous tense, past future perfect tense dan past future perfect countinous tense?mohon dibantu yah teman,

astageh byk kali

He helps his parents
He is helping his parents
He has helped his parents
He has been helping his parents
He helped his parents
He was helping his parents
He had helped his parents
He had been helping his parents
He will help his parents
He will be helping his parents
He will have helped his parents
He will be helping his parents
He would help his parents
He would be helping his parents
He would have helped his parents
He would be helping his parents

Kayakny itu aja, kalo slh jgn mrh hihi

12. Apa itu past perfect tense dan past perfect continous

Past perfect dibentuk dari auxiliary verb “had” dan main verb “past participle” sedangkan past perfect continuous tense dari auxiliary verb “had” dan “been” serta main verb “present participle“.
Past Perfect Tense:

has + past participle

Past Perfect Continuous Tense:

had been + present participle

13. perbedaan simple past tense,past continuous tense,past perfect tense,past perfect continuous tense

past tense digunakan jika kejadian lewat atau lampau
continous digunakan jika sedang dilakukan
perfect digunakan juka sudah dilakukan dan pasti
perfect continous yang sudah dan sedang dilakukan dlm bersamaan

14. 1. Penggunaan Present Perfect Continuous Tense pada saat... 2. Penggunaan Past Future Perfect Tense pada saat... 3. Penggunaan Past Future Continuous Tense pada saat...

1.pada saat menyatakan sesuatu yang telah selesai dimasa lalu atau aksi yang telah dimulai pada masa lalu dan berlanjut sampai sekarang

2. pada saat membicarakan sesuatu yang tidak terjadi, mungkin terjadi atau sebenarnya dapat dilakukan namun tidak berhasil di masa lampau

3. menyatakan aksi yang akan atau sedang terjadi di masa lalu

1. menunjukkan suatu kejadian yang telah berlangsung atau terjadi pada waktu lampau tetapi masih berlangsung atau berhubungan sampai sekarang
2. menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa yg akan terjadi atau dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang
3. menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yg akan terjadi di waktu lampau

15. Contoh cerita menggunakan simple past tense past continous tense dan past perfect tense


Sebelum membuat cerita yang menggunakan simple past tense, past continuous tense, dan past perfect tense, kita sebaiknya mengetahui struktur kalimat yang menggunakan simple past tense, past continuous tense, dan past perfect tense terlebih dahulu. Berikut penjelasannya.

Simple past tense

Tenses ini digunakan untuk mengekspresikan suatu kejadian atau kegiatan yang dilakukan pada masa lampau.

Struktur kalimat:

(+) S + V2 + O

(-) S + didn't / did not + V1 + O

(?) Did + S + V1 + O + ?

Contoh kalimat: I watched the World Cup on TV last night.

Past continuous tense

Tenses ini digunakan menyatakan suatu kejadian atau kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung di masa lampau.

Struktur kalimat:

(+) S + was / were + V-ing + O

(-) S + wasn't / weren't + V-ing + O

(?) Was / were + S + V-ing + O + ?

Contoh kalimat: I was cooking dinner when you called me yesterday

Past perfect tense

Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang telah terjadi sebelum kejadian lain pada masa lampau.

Struktur kalimat:

(+) S + had + V3 + O

(-) S + had + not + V3 + O

(?) Had + S + V3 + O +?

Contoh kalimat: She had had breakfast before she went to school.

Berikut contoh cerita yang menggunakan simple past tense, past continuous tense, dan past perfect tense.

Last week was my birthday. My family members seemed like they forgot my birthday. They didn't say happy birthday or gave a birthday present for me. They just did their daily routine as usual like there was nothing special. At school, my friends also didn't remember my birthday. It made me so sad. I went home early after the class had finished. I went to my bedroom when i had arrived at home. I cried because i thought nobody remembered my birthday. Suddenly, my bedroom's door opened when i was crying. I saw my family and my friends brought a birthday cake for me. I wiped my tears when they were singing happy birthday. Apparently, they had secretly planned to trick me because they knew that my birthday was coming soon. it was an unforgettable birthday surprise for me.

Mudah-mudahan jawaban diatas dapat membantu menjawab pertanyaanmu.

Detil tambahan:

Kelas: SMA

Pelajaran: bahasa inggris

Kategori: Tenses

Kata kunci: simple past tense, past continuous tense, past perfect tense

16. Buatlah 3 kalimat past perfect tense sebelum menjadi past perfect tense dan sesudah menjadi bentuk past perfect tense verbal dan nominal.

sebelum menjadi pasfect tense i love you (simple present verbal) menjadi I had loved you (past perfect tense)/nominal simple present contoh I am student menjadi I was had be student

17. Write A Sentence in the simple past, past continuous, and past perfect using every verb below!1. LaughThe Simple Past Tense:Past Continuous Tense:Past Perfect Tense: 2. LearnThe Simple Past Tense:Past Continuous Tense:Past Perfect Tense: 3. TalkThe Simple Past Tense:Past Continuous Tense:Past Perfect Tense: 4. HearThe Simple Past Tense:Past Continuous Tense:Past Perfect Tense: 5. CookThe Simple Past Tense:Past Continuous Tense:Past Perfect Tense:PLS BANTU JAWAB​


1. - he laughed every night

- she was laughing when i came

- my brother had laughed so loud before they went home

2. - i learned math with my teacher last month

- harry was learning english at 9 p.m

- dean had learned before he slept last y

3. - we talked about our homework last night

- they were talking in the field yesterday

- i had talked with him after school

4. - olivia heard a strange sound in her room last night

- zayn was hearing music when i learned

- louis and johnny had heard they teacher yesterday

5. - my mother cooked meat this morning

- me and bryan was cooking fried rice at 8 p.m

- leo had cooked noodle before he slept last night

18. Berilah contoh dialog menggunakan tiga tense, simple past tense, past continous tense dan past perfect tense!

simple past tense
a: Hey did you see Ms. Farah yesterday?
b: Yeah, she visited our school, didn't she?

past continous tense
a: Mika where were you last night?
b: I'm sorry, I was cooking in my grandma's house.

past perfect tense
a: Why didn't you leave me a piece of cake when i came tou your house last night?
b: Sorry, the cake had run out before you came. Another time maybe?

19. Write A Sentence in the simple past, past continuous, and past perfect using every verb below!1. LaughThe Simple Past Tense:Past Continuous Tense:Past Perfect Tense: 2. LearnThe Simple Past Tense:Past Continuous Tense:Past Perfect Tense: 3. TalkThe Simple Past Tense:Past Continuous Tense:Past Perfect Tense: 4. HearThe Simple Past Tense:Past Continuous Tense:Past Perfect Tense: 5. CookThe Simple Past Tense:Past Continuous Tense:Past Perfect Tense:PLS BANTU JAWAB​



- she was laughed every night

- she was laughing every night

- she had laughed every night


-they were learned together

-they were learning together

-they had learned together


- vika was talked with her mom

- vika was talking with her mom

- vika had talked with her mom


- lucas was haered dejun's voice

-lucas was hearing dejun's voice

-lucas had heared dejun's voice


- irene and wendy were cooked for yeri

-irene and wendy were cooking for yeri

-irene and wendy had cooked for yeri


rumus simple past tense

Subject + to be (was/were) + adjective/adverb

past continous tense

: Subjek + be (was/were) + verb (-ing) + o

past perfect tense

Subjek + had + verb 3

20. Past perfect tense and past perfect continuous tense activities


Waktu lampau yang sempurna dan kegiatan yang berlangsung terus-menerus

21. Apa itu past perfect tense dan past perfect continous

Pengertian Past Perfect Tense

Past perfect tense adalah suatu tense yang menggambarkan suatu kejadian yang terjadi sebelum satu spesifik waktu di masa lampau dan telah selesai sebelum kejadian lain yang terjadi di masa lampau juga. Tense ini terdiri dari gabungan aspek perfect (sebelum satu spesifik waktu di masa lampau) dan bingkai waktu past (masa lampau).

Rumus Past Perfect Tense

Tense ini dibentuk dengan bentuk masa lampau dari auxiliary verb have atau has, yaitu had dan past participle (verb 3). Semua subjek baik singular atau plural menggunakan had.

Bentuk Rumus Past Perfect Tense Contoh Kalimat


(+) · Subjek +  had + verb 3 · Contoh Kalimat: They had studied


(-) · Subjek +  had + not + verb 3 · Contoh Kalimat: They had not studied


(?) · Had+ subjek + verb 3? · Contoh Kalimat: Had they studied?

Past Perfect Continous:

Past Perfect Continuous Tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb had dan been dan present participle. Berikut rumus Past Perfect Continuous Tense yang dapat dijadikan sebagai panduan Anda dalam membuat suatu kalimat.

• Kalimat positif : Subjek + had + been + V1-ing/ present participle

• Kalimat negatif : Subjek + had + not + been + V1-ing/ present participle

• Kalimat pertanyaan : Had + subjek + been + V1-ing/ present participle + ?

past perfect continous,adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan itu sedang dilakukan pada masa lampau dan mungkin tidak terjadi lagi.

#maaf klo salah

22. Bagaimana cara mudah untuk membedakan antara present perfect tense, perfect continuous tense dan past tense? ​

Satu cara mudah untuk membedakan antara Present Perfect dan Present Perfect Continuous adalah mengerti apakah kegiatan tersebut sudah terjadi apa sedang terjadi. Jika kegiatan tersebut sudah terjadi, maka kamu akan menemukan kata-kata tertentu di dalam kalimat, seperti how often, … times, already, atau yet (dalam kalimat negatif). Namun jika kegiatan tersebut masih berlangsung maka kata-kata yang akan kamu temukan dalam kalimat Present Perfect Continuous adalah how long, since, atau for.

Sementara past tense adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau dan telah berakhir di masa lampau.

Maaf kalo salah, saya juga masih belajar :D

23. Terjemahkan kedalam bahasa inggris menggunakan present perfect tense dan past perfect tense.

1. My teacher has written the assignments on the whiteboard.
2. Joni has known the difficulty i face.
3. I has slept when Bonna called me.
4. I have done mu chore before mom asked.
5. My old sibling has bought me a pair of new shoes.
6. My aunt has visited grandma's house.
7. Anida has repeatedly read the novel.
8. Shafira has worked for 3 years.

Kalau ingin ubah ke PAST PERFECT, have/has-nya ganti dgn had saja.

24. Cerita panjang yang menggunakan past tense dan perfect tense

aku juga gak tau


maaf kalau salah

25. Kapan menggunakan present tense, present progressive, past tense, past progressive, future tense, future progressive, present perfect, present perfect progressive, past perfect, past perfect progressive, future perfect, future perfect progressive ???

Present simple/present tense: Jika aktivitas tsb sudah jadi kebiasaan atau sudah pasti dan tidak berubah.

present progressive/present continues: Jika aktivitas tsb sedang dilakukan.

Past Tense: Jika kegiatan telah dilakukan di masa lampau.

past progressive / past continues: menceritakan suatu kejadian di masa lampau ketika suatu aktivitas  masih terjadi.  cnth: i was listening to the radio when he came.

future tense: me-describe suatu rencana yang belum terjadi.

future progressive: ini juga rencana, tapi biasanya lebih 'terencana' dari future tense. 

present perfect: ketika suatu aktivitas telah dilakukan tapi waktu dilakukannya itu tidak penting. yang jelas artinya sudah.

present perfect progressive/continuous: sama seperti present perfect, namun aktivitas tsb belum selesai. contoh: i have been studying english since i was 5.

yang aku tau itu aja, tolong ya sisanya yang lain bantu:)) kalo ada yang gajelas komen aja:)

26. Teks yang ada perfect continious tense,present perfect tense,past perfect tense,future perfect perfect continious tense,present perfect tense,past perfect tense,future perfect tense

-Contoh Cerita Present Perfect Tense 1: Paragraf yang bercerita tentang Diri Sendiri

-Contoh Paragraf Present Perfect Tense 2: Cerita tentang Adik Perempuan

27. tolong bikin in cerita dengan kegiatan menggunakan 3 tense ;past tense,present perfect tens,dan past perfect tense...​

Once upon a time, there lived a foolish doe who liked to explore the forest. "I wonder what will I encounter today? I hope it's something amazing!" she said in a cheerful tone. A sly wolf spied said doe and slowly followed the doe. "Hello there pretty doe, have you seen my lost box full of pixie dusts?" The wolf asked the doe in an innocent voice. "Pixie dusts? Well, no, I haven't seen any suspicious boxes around the area, do you want me to help?" She smiled. "Of course, why not? If I hadn't lost the box, I would never asked to help you." Wolf smiled. "All right, when was the last time you saw the box?" She looked around. "It was around the corner, it must be somewhere around here." He growled. "Look I found it-" Before she finished her sentence, she was already eaten by the sly wolf.

28. Buat karangan narrative text menggunakan tenses simple past tense, present perfect, past perfect, perfect continous tense

Daily Activity at School

I study at school started at 7.30 am. This is Monday and I have a mathematic class. While I wait for the teacher, I have a short daily conversation with some friends. Then, no longer after that, the chairman of the class asks us to line up in front because the teacher has come. After that, my friends and I enter the class one by one and greet to the teacher.
Our teacher asks to submit the homework. So I submit my homework. After that, the teacher asks me to open page 23 and read the book aloud. After reading the passage, I am asked to explain what I have read in front of the class. Then the teacher explains her subject further. Then we write her explanation on our books. After finishing all the lessons, we come home at 12.00 am.

maaf kalau salah,

29. Fungsi present perfect, present perfect continuous tense, simple past tense, past cotinuous tense, past perfect tense, past perfect continuous tense, simple future, future continuous tense, future perfect tense, future perfect continuous tense Tolong di bantu!!!

Present perfect tense untuk mengungkapkan kejadian di masa lalu tanpa peduli kapan tepatnya terjadi.

Present perfect continuous tense untuk menunjukkan aksi yang telah selesai pada suatu titik dimasa lampau diikuti relevansinya dengan kondisi saat ini (present).

Simple past tense untuk membicarakan aksi yang terjadi dengan durasi waktu tertentu di masa lampau.Preposition “for” dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan periode waktu kejadian.

Past continuous tense untuk mengindikasikan suatu aksi yang terjadi selama momen tertentu di masa lampau.

Past perfect tense untuk menunjukkan seberapa sering sesuatu terjadi di masa lampau.

Past perfect continuous tense untuk mengekspresikan aksi yang panjang di masa lampau sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi.

Simple future tense (will) untuk membuat keputusan secara spontan untuk melakukan sesuatu (tanpa rencana).

Future continuous tense untuk mengindikasikan suatu aksi yang akan sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa depan.

Future perfect tense untuk mengungkapkan suatu aktivitas yang akan sudah selesai atau terjadi sebelum aktivitas lain dilakukan di masa depan.

Future perfect continuous tensedigunakan untuk membicarakan tentang aksi yang panjang sebelum titik waktu tertentu di masa depan.

30. terjemahkan dalam bahasa inggris menggunakan present perfect tense dan past perfect tense.

1. My teacher have written the task in blackboard
2. Joni have known problem which I face
3. when Bona called, I had slept
4. I had done my homework before teacher asked it.
5. My sister have bought me a new shoes
6. My auntie have visited to grandmother's home
7. Anida have been read the novel too many times
8. Safira have been worked for 3 years

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