Kegunaan Present Perfect Tense

Kegunaan Present Perfect Tense

apa yang membedakan penggunaan present perfect tense dengan present perfect continuous tense?

Daftar Isi

1. apa yang membedakan penggunaan present perfect tense dengan present perfect continuous tense?

contoh present p tense.
i have killed you.
contoh pp continuous tense.
i have been waiting for you since you were born.

untuk di atas kejadiannya sudah terjadi bahwa ana sudah membunuhmu dan untuk yang di bawah kejadiannya masih berlangsung,

2. Apa kegunaan dari Simple present tense, Present continuous tense, dan present perfect tense...?

Simple present tense adalah kata kerja untuk menyatakan kebiasaan atau kejadian pada saat ini
Present continous tense adalah kata kerja untuk menerangkan suatu kejadian yang sedang berlangsung pada saat kita mengatakannya
present perfect tense digunakan untuk menggambarkan kegiatan yang telah sempurna terjadi di suatu waktu pada masa lalu , namun masih berhubungan dengan masa sekarang

3. Buatlah cerita menggunakan 4 unsur yaitu Present tense, present continuos, present perfect, present perfect continous tense


Present Tense

There are six people in my family: my father, mother, three daughters and one grandmother. I am a third daughter with two elder sisters. My first elder sister is Natashia; another sister’s name is Nandiya.

My father is the most handsome man because there is no son in my family. He works as a taxi driver. He loves helping people and meeting new people. He always smiles and thanks to God for everything. He works very hard to fulfill all of our needs.

My mother is also a hard worker. Every morning she wakes up so early to cook food then sell it. She is the best chef for us. We love her cooking. We usually help her to prepare food to sell. Mother never forgets to care all people in our family.

We also live with our grandmother. She is our father’s mother. We love our grandmother. Sometimes she is talkative but we know that she love us. She loves gardening. She plants many flowers in our garden. The flowers make our house beautiful.

Present Continuous Tense

Today, Chiya is visiting her grandparents. She loves cooking with her grandmother. Her grandma usually teaches her how to cook delicious dishes. At this moment, Chiya is learning how to make tasty chicken soup.

Chiya is helping to cut some onions, chilies, carrots, potatoes and other vegetables. She is also writing her grandmother’s recipe. She plans to make chicken soup at home next Monday. She is making the chicken soup for her mother. Next Monday is her mother’s birthday.

An hour later, Chiya and grandparents have finished eating chicken soup. Now, Chiya is listening to her grandfather’s story. Chiya also loves listening to her grandpa’s story.

Her gandpa has many stories about life, joke, culture and many more. Now, Chiya with grandmother are listening to one story of The Arabian Nights (1001 nights). They’re enjoying their time together.

Present Perfect Tense

This is about my younger sister, Leenda. She is a High School student. She has always imagined herself as a musician. She has told me about her dream many times. It’s been her dream since elementary school.

Who has inspired her to be a musician? A great singer named Whitney Houston has been her favorite singer. Leenda has always listened to Whitney’s songs many times in a day. She loves the song entitled “I have nothing” by Whitney Houston.

Leenda has also learned how to play a guitar for a year. She has made one Youtube channel since 2017. She has covered many songs and uploaded in her channel. Many viewers have written positive comments about her covers.

Sometimes Leenda has music performances with her friends. Leenda and her friends have just done a music performance this month. They are also great players. They have won five music competitions this year. They all want to be great musicians.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Adi has been living in Surabaya for all his life. He has a book. He has had that books for three months. Now, he wants to read. Adi reads book in a room. Adi has a friend. Her name is Anna. She is not from Surabaya. She has been living in Surabaya since 2012.

His mother has cooked and his father is taking a bath when Anna calls him. She wants to play with him. Anna asks Adi, “Do you want to play with me?”

Adi answers, “Ok. Come here. I have finished reading a good book and I am watching TV with my mom.”

Adi and Anna play together. After hours, Adi asks Anna, “Have you eaten already?”

Anna replies, “No, I haven’t. I am hungry.”

At last, they go to kitchen for eating. Adi does not like chicken. He eats vegetables. Anna eats chicken but she does not like vegetables. They do not like eggs.

Adi’s mother comes and says, “What are you doing here? Don’t eat here.“

Adi and Anna go to dining room.

4. Apa sih "Present Perfect Tense" atau "Present Perfect Past Tense"?

present perfect tense adalah yg menyatakan suatu perbuatan yg telah di kerjakan (pd masa lampau) contohnya mr gatot has been have since morning
semoga bermanfaat

5. ubah "take" ke present perfect tense ubah "prepare" ke present perfect tense ubah "forget" ke present perfect tense ubah "be" ke present perfect tense ubah "wait for" ke present Perfect





Waited for


maaf kalau salah


take = have taken / has taken

prepare = have prepared / has prepared

forget = have forgotten / has forgotten

be = have been / has been

wait for = have waited for / has waited for


Present Perfect Tense :

(+) S + has/have + Verb 3

(-) S + has/have not + Verb 3

(?) Has/Have + S + Verb 3 + ?

as an example :

(+) She has studied English.

(-) She has not studied English.

(?) Has she studied English?

6. Contoh teks yang didalamnya menggunakan simple present tense atau present continous tense atau present perfect tense

i sing a song
i am singing a song now
i have sang a song since this morningshe is cooking fried rise now

7. terjemahkan dalam bahasa inggris menggunakan present perfect tense dan past perfect tense.

1. My teacher have written the task in blackboard
2. Joni have known problem which I face
3. when Bona called, I had slept
4. I had done my homework before teacher asked it.
5. My sister have bought me a new shoes
6. My auntie have visited to grandmother's home
7. Anida have been read the novel too many times
8. Safira have been worked for 3 years

8. ubah ke kalimat present continuous tense,present perfect tense,present perfect continuous tense​


present continues tense

(+) Ani is getting up at 8 o'clock every sunday

(-) Ani is not getting up at 8 o'clock every sunday

(?) Is Ani getting up at 8 o'clock every sunday?

Present perfect tense

(+) Ani has gotten up at 8 o'clock every sunday

(-) Ani has not gotten up at 8 o'clock every Sunday

(?) has Ani gotten up at 8 o'clock every sunday?

present perfect continues tense

(+) Ani has been getting up at 8 o'clock every sunday

(-) Ani has not been getting up at 8 o'clock every sunday

(?) Has Ani been getting up at 8 o'clock every sunday?

9. Present tense digunakan untuk? Present continous tense untuk? Present perfect tense untuk? Present perfect continous tense untuk? Tolong cepat ya

present tense: menyatakan suatu peritiwa berulang ulang, menyatakan suatu kebenaran umum
present continous:menyatakan suatu perstiwa yg sedang berlangsung
present perfect: menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang lampau tapi masih ada hub dgn waktu sekarang
present prefect continous:kejadian yang telah dilakukan tapi masih brlangsung
Present tense : untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yg terjadi sekarang
Present Continous Tense : untuk menyatakan perbuatan yg sedang berlangsung dan blm selesai sampai skrg
Present perfect tense :untuk menyatakan perbuatan yg telah selesai di waktu skrg
Present perfect continous tense :untuk menyatakan perbuatan / peristiwa yg dimulai dari waktu lampau dan sampai skrg masih terjadi

10. kapan kita dapat menggunakan present perfect tense?​

Present Perfect Tense bisa digunakan di macam-macam situasi berbeda dan seringkali dengan makna yang berbeda-beda.

Present Perfect biasanya dipakai untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu di masa lalu yang berkaitan atau berdampak pada masa kini, misalnya:

• sebuah pengalaman yang sudah lewat namun punya makna penting saat ini

• menjelaskan sebuah tindakan yang dimulai di masa lalu dan berlanjut hingga saat ini

• mengekspresikan tindakan saat ini yang menimbulkan konsekuensi pada saat ini


positive(+) : subject + has/have + verb 3 + object

negative (-) : subject + has not/have not +verb 3 + object

interrogative (?) : has/have + subject + verb 3 + object + ?

Time signal:








Kita menggunakan present perfect tense untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang / selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu namun efeknya masih berlanjut.

Formula :

Positive (+) : Subject + has/have + Verb 3 + Object

Negative (-) : Subject + has not/have not + Verb 3 + Object

Interrogative (?) : Has/have + Subject + Verb 3 + Object + ?

Time Signal :

Already, just, recently, yet, ever, since, for

11. ubah "take" ke present perfect tenseubah "prepare" ke present perfect tenseubah "forget" ke present perfect tenseubah "be" ke present perfect tenseubah "wait for" ke present perfect tense​


Ubah "take" ke present perfect tense = have/has taken

ubah "prepare" ke present perfect tense = have/has prepared

ubah "forget" ke present perfect tense = have/has forgotten

ubah "be" ke present perfect tense = have/has been

ubah "wait for" ke present perfect tense​ = have/has waited for


Pada soal di atas, diminta untuk diubah menjadi present perfect tense.

Rumus present perfect tense adalah subject + have/has + verb 3

Jadi, pada kelimat kata di atas, bila diminta diubah menjadi present perfect tense, harus ditambahkan auxiliary verb "have/has" sesuai dengan subjeknya.

Berbeda bila pertanyaannya seperti ini.

Ubah "take" ke past participle = take

ubah "prepare" ke past participle = prepared

Verb 3 disebut juga dengan past participle verb.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai present perfect tense pada


12. Dialog yang menggunakan kalimat dari present perfect tense present continuous tense dan future tense​


Anggi : Hello. Anggi is speaking. Who is it?

Harmoni : Hello Anggi. I’m Harmoni.

Anggi : Oh, Harmoni. Are you using somebody’s phone? This isn’t your phone numbers, right?

Harmoni : No, it isn’t. I am using my mother’s phone. My battery is running out. By the way, what are you doing?

Anggi : Oh, I’m studying right now. We are having Science examination tomorrow morning. Do you forget it?

Harmoni : Of course not. That’s why I am calling you now.

Anggi : Oh, what’s up? Is there anything I can help?

Harmoni : Owh, I do not know where to start learning. These are difficult materials. I am trying to remember all things. I have been reading the Science books five times. But I cannot remember almost all of them. I am afraid that I will fail the exam.

Anggi : Keep calm, Harmoni. You cannot concentrate at the same time you’re worrying about the failure. Start from the easiest material. One more, you should not memorize all things. Try to understand them.

Harmoni : Yeah, I think so. I will try to understand those materials.

Anggi : O yeah, I am just remembering something. I have some Science videos. I have watched all of them. Those videos give me clear explanation about Science. I think you should watch them too.

Harmoni : Oh, that sounds great.

Anggi : I am in front of my computer now. I am sending the links of the videos to your email. Check them out.

Harmoni : Wow, thanks, Anggi. You’re saving my life!

Anggi : Oh, don’t mention it. Good luck on the exam tomorrow. Bye.

Harmoni : U too. Bye.


ini present continouse tense

13. Apa perbedaan fungsi dari Present Perfect Tense dan Present Perfect Continuous Tense​


Present Perfect menyatakan pemikiran tentang sesuatu yang telah selesai/sudah selesai dilakukan. Present Perfect Continuous menyatakan sesuatu belum selesai dilakukan.

14. fungsi kegunaan present perfect past tense dan present tense

perfect past tense figunakan utk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yg telah slesai d kerjakan/yg telah terjadi pda wktu lampau present tense adlh suatu perbuatan yg dilakukan pda wktu tertentu/kebenaran atau kenyataan umumPresent perfect → Kalimat yang sudah dilakukan pada masa lampau tapi masih berkaitan sampai sekarang
Past tense → Kalimat yang menunjukkan perbuatan yang sudah lewat pada masa lampau
Present tense → Kalimat yang menunjukkan perbuatan yang memiliki atau biasa dilakukan

15. kalimat present perfect tense dan present perfect continuous tense tentang komputer

simple present perfect tense : computer has repaired ( komputer sudah diperbaiki )
simple present perfect continuous tense : computer has been repairing since just now ( komputer sedang diperbaiki sejak tadi )
maaf kalau salah

16. Apa persamaan antara present continuous tense, past continuous tense, present perfect tense, dan present perfect future tense


Persamaannya adalah bahwa mereka termasuk tenses

17. cerita bahasa inggris mencakup simple present tense, present continuous tense, present perfect tense, present perfect continuous tense

I am Sarah. My full name is Sarah Lau Smith. I am a second grade student of Junior High School. I am 14 years old. My birth day is on July 5.

In my family, I am the second child. I have an older brother named Nathan and one younger sister named Grace. My mother is from China and my father is from Australia. We live in Indonesia.

My family and I love pets. We have some pets at home, namely five fish, one dog and two cats. Nathan love cats and I love dogs. Our cats and dog are like friends. They never fight.

In the future, I want to be a veterinarian. I want to help animals to survive and live longer. I like watching their unique behaviors.  They are all beautiful creatures. I love animals.

18. ubah "take" ke present perfect tense ubah "prepare" ke present perfect tense ubah "forget" ke present perfect tense ubah "be" ke present perfect tense ubah "wait for" ke


taking, preparing, forgetting, being, waiting for



Take = have/has taken

Prepare = has/have prepared

forget = has/have forgotten

be = has/have been

wait for = has/have waited for


Rumus present perfect tense adalah:

have/has + the past participle

semoga membantu

19. Teks yang ada perfect continious tense,present perfect tense,past perfect tense,future perfect perfect continious tense,present perfect tense,past perfect tense,future perfect tense

-Contoh Cerita Present Perfect Tense 1: Paragraf yang bercerita tentang Diri Sendiri

-Contoh Paragraf Present Perfect Tense 2: Cerita tentang Adik Perempuan

20. apa contoh lirik lagu yang menggunakan simple present tense,past tense,dan Present Perfect Tense

1. simple present:
"first you wanna go to the left, and you wanna turn right" - what do you mean?/ justin bieber

2. past simple:
"everybody knew you're liar, everybody knew you're player" - everybody knew/citra scholastika

3. present perfect:
"and i hope you have what you've dreamt of..." - i will always love you/ witney huston

21. bagaimana cara membedakan present perfect tense dan present perfect continouse tense

present perfect tense menekankan pada suatu tindakan/peristiwa yang sudah terjadi.contoh: i had read a book (saya sudah membaca buku)

present perfect continous tense lebih menitikberatkan pada peristiwa yang sudah terjadi tetapi 'masih berlangsung' saat kejadian itu diceritakan. contoh: Putri has been studying since nine o'clock(putri sudah belajar sejak pukul sembilan)Present Perfect Tense (Waktu Sempurna Sekarang)
Present Perfect Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu pekerjaan yang telah selesai pda saat kalimat dibuat atau peristiwa lampau yg ada hubunganya dengan sekarang.

Present Perfect Continouse Tense(Waktu Berlangsung Sempurna Sekarang)
Present Perfect Continouse Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau perbuatan yang di mulai di waktu lampau dan masih berlangsung hingga sekarang.

22. menggunakan rumus present perfect tense​


1. i have read the book

2. they have bought pens

3. he has made a letter


rumusnya: untuk I, you, they, we = Subjek + Have + Verb 3

untuk He, She, It = Subjek + Has + Verb 3

semoga membantu:))

23. dialog yang menggunakan kalimat present perfect tense,present continuous tense dan future tense​


Dialog yang menggunakan kalimat present perfect tense,present continuous tense dan future tense​:

Ayu: Have you visited Bali, Indra?

Indra: Yes, I have. I have visited three times.

Ayu: So, this is the third visit?

Indra: Yes, it is. I am now visiting for the third.

Ayu: Owh,m I see. And, when will you visit for the forth, then?

Indra: Well, I will visit for the forth, next year.


Ayu: Have you visited Bali, Indra?

Indra: Yes, I have. I have visited three times. (Present perfect tense)

Ayu: So, this is the third visit?

Indra: Yes, it is. I am now visiting for the third. (Present continuous tense)

Ayu: Owh, I see. And, when will you visit for the forth, then?

Indra: Well, I will visit for the forth, next year. (Future tense)

24. Quiz Buatlah masing masing 1, tema terserah, dengan menggunakan present simple tense, present continuous tense, present perfect tense, dan present perfect continuous tense. Jangan lupa formulanya ditulis.

1) Present Simple Tense

We study English every Tuesday

2) Present Continuous Tense

We are studying English now

3) Present Perfect Tense

He has written the letter completely

4) Present Perfect Continuous Tense

He has been watering the plants for two hours

25. contoh kalimat 1 paragraf dengan menggunakan present tense, present perfect, present continus, present perfect continus


Kalimat present tense(Subjek + memiliki / memiliki + kata kerja bentuk 3 + objek)


1)Please, sit come on Tom!

Kalimat present perfect(Subjek+punya/memiliki+telah + kata kerja bentuk 1+ ing + objek)

1) I am going to Library now

Kalimat present perfect continus(subjek + mempunyai/memiliki + telah + kata kerja + ing + objek )

1)She has been making some book for the last four years


This is about me and my little sister. We go to the beach to enjoy the sunset every weekend. Although we are family, we live in a different house to make things interesting. Oh and we are the top world class fashionista. But lately, she have been very busy with her company. As of now, i'm enjoying the sunset all by myself, and this feels lonely,gloomy, and it just sucks in general. I have been waiting for her all weekend to just come to the beach and enjoy the nice sunset. But Will i give up? no, i'm gonna get her out of that busyness and enjoy the sunset again just like when we were kids. i'll get her out of her office even if it kills me.

26. present perfect tense,present perfect continous tense,past perfect tense,past perfect continous tense,present future tense,dan present future continous tense...berikan contohnya (+,-,?) tolong bgt jawabannya


present perfect tense

(+) i have read the book

(-) i haven't read the book

(?) have i read the book?

present perfect continuous tense

(+) she has been driving

(-) she hasn't been driving

(?) has she been driving ?

maaf aku gak ingat klw PAST PERFECT TENSE


(+) lia had been walking

(-) lia had not been walking

(?) had lia been walking?

maaf jg yg PRESENT FUTURE TENSE jg gak ingat






otey maaf jika setengah setengah soalnya lupa lupa ehe ..

klw ada yg kurang jls boleh di komen nanti aku coba jawab semoga membantu

good luck

27. Apa sih "Present Perfect Tense" atau "Present Perfect Past Tense"?

present perfect tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yg digunakan utk memyatakan suatu aksi atau situasi yg telah dimulai di masa lalu dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang atau telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu dimasa lalu namun efeknya masih berlanjut

28. Terjemahkan kedalam bahasa inggris menggunakan present perfect tense dan past perfect tense.

1. My teacher has written the assignments on the whiteboard.
2. Joni has known the difficulty i face.
3. I has slept when Bonna called me.
4. I have done mu chore before mom asked.
5. My old sibling has bought me a pair of new shoes.
6. My aunt has visited grandma's house.
7. Anida has repeatedly read the novel.
8. Shafira has worked for 3 years.

Kalau ingin ubah ke PAST PERFECT, have/has-nya ganti dgn had saja.

29. Kapan menggunakan present tense, present progressive, past tense, past progressive, future tense, future progressive, present perfect, present perfect progressive, past perfect, past perfect progressive, future perfect, future perfect progressive ???

Present simple/present tense: Jika aktivitas tsb sudah jadi kebiasaan atau sudah pasti dan tidak berubah.

present progressive/present continues: Jika aktivitas tsb sedang dilakukan.

Past Tense: Jika kegiatan telah dilakukan di masa lampau.

past progressive / past continues: menceritakan suatu kejadian di masa lampau ketika suatu aktivitas  masih terjadi.  cnth: i was listening to the radio when he came.

future tense: me-describe suatu rencana yang belum terjadi.

future progressive: ini juga rencana, tapi biasanya lebih 'terencana' dari future tense. 

present perfect: ketika suatu aktivitas telah dilakukan tapi waktu dilakukannya itu tidak penting. yang jelas artinya sudah.

present perfect progressive/continuous: sama seperti present perfect, namun aktivitas tsb belum selesai. contoh: i have been studying english since i was 5.

yang aku tau itu aja, tolong ya sisanya yang lain bantu:)) kalo ada yang gajelas komen aja:)

30. Soal Make 4 sentenses ( present tense, present continues tense, present perfect tense and present perfect continues tense)



Make 4 sentenses ( present tense, present continues tense, present perfect tense and present perfect continues tense)

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