

Apa ya singkatan www.com dalam bahasa indonesia

Daftar Isi

1. Apa ya singkatan www.com dalam bahasa indonesia

www itu singkatan dari world wide web

2. pengalamatan email yang benar mempunyai bentuk dasar ... a.password@www.com b.user_id@e-mail.com c.nama@www.com d.domain@domain.com user_id@domain.com

b.kalo gak salah kayaknya juga betul

3. welcom b.indonesia nya

welcome artinya selamat datang

selamat datang.
tapi itu tulisan nya salah. Harusnya Welcome

4. You Are Welcom! -Respond?? #TolongBantuSaya {}* #Pliss!

see you again
see you

ada kemungkinan jawbanya adalah salam perpisahan, namun coba disesuaikan lagi dengan teks nya :)----Jawaban----
"You're welcome" sudah tidak ada balasan lagi.

Tapi yg mungkin = Bye

5. apa bhs inggris dari your welcom

bisa sama" juga bisa terimakasih kembali

semoga membantu
Sama-sama atau terima kasi kembali

6. Apa balasan you are welcom

Tidak perlu balasan lagiGak perlu dibalas. Sama kek pas kita bilang "makasih" orang lain bilang "sama-sama"

7. Menjawab dari your welcom

"your welcome"

arti nya adalah "sama²"

jadi tidak perlu dijawab lagi ya^^

8. contoh welcom speed tentang pelepasan osis lama dan penerimaan osis lama

Assalamualaikum Wr. wb

Dear Sirs Tama head SMK Putra Mandiri, Honourable Mrs. vice principal field of student affairs, who I respect as well as the father of Trustees osis osis board colleagues old and new osis board that I loved, loved, and I am proud of.

Puja and thanksgiving let panjtkan khadirat Allah who has given grace and hidayahnya so that we can gather in this place to hold a handover once inauguration of new osis service period 2015/2016, so that this event can run smoothly and there is no obstacle any.

Here I am as well as representatives of the board chairman osis osis service period 2014/2015 we express our gratitude to the principal besarta dewaan teachers and coaches and their colleagues who have been faithful to help realize osis program.

Nothing feels for approximately one year we served as caretaker osis service period of 2014-2015 is now over. And now is the time to 'end and hand over to the next generation of organizational wheels are new osis board service period 2015/2016.

What we do may be nothing compared with organisasai we got during this task. Therefore, we hope to further the board is willing and able to develop the organization in line with what we expected, which is in accordance with the vision and mission of this organization. So later SMK Putra Tama Mandiri can develop more advanced even in the hands of the new board.

Many programs that we have and we have implemented a miraculous them by exerting all kemempuan that we have, although masaih many programs that have not yet implemented. For that kamai as osis board service period 2015/2016 allow to apologize profusely. And hope osis in future periods could be better and more perfect than the previous osis.

Handover is both a transfer of responsibilities from the old board to the new board. Therefore we say "congratulations to the management of the new osis we hope for Professionals please work together for the sake of our success, and not for personal ambition Contohlah which was just as good and throw away that ugly".

Lastly, I personally like to thank Mr. Pembina Osis on provisions and guidance during our office. To that end we ask the father / mother to not get enough to give affection to the board of the new osis. As what has been the father / mother gave to us as long osis board. The new osis that the board can carry out their duties in accordance with what we expected.

Do not forget also to his fellow board osis 2014/2015 period because without you I can not do anything, and without the help and support you also probably will not terlakssana programs well. Terimaksaih for the cooperation.

So from me that I can say sorry if there is a shortage because my man is not infallible. Perfection belongs only to God almighty one

9. you are welcom,mam.My I bring you suitcase mam,it looks so heavy

Terima kasih ibu,Aku membawakanmu baju/sweeter ibu,kmau terlihat sangat cantik

10. apa artinya you are welcom

sama sama
maaf kalau salahsama-sama...............

11. you are welcom tolong di jawab​


maksudnya gimana kak kok aneh gitu pertanyaanya


gak tau maysutnya apa


12. Apa pengertian WWWC ?

tripel daouble you dot com

13. contoh welcom speed tentang pelepasan osis lama dan penerimaan osis lama

Assalamualaikum Wr. wb

Dear Sirs Tama head SMK Putra Mandiri, Honourable Mrs. vice principal field of student affairs, who I respect as well as the father of Trustees osis osis board colleagues old and new osis board that I loved, loved, and I am proud of.

Puja and thanksgiving let panjtkan khadirat Allah who has given grace and hidayahnya so that we can gather in this place to hold a handover once inauguration of new osis service period 2015/2016, so that this event can run smoothly and there is no obstacle any.

Here I am as well as representatives of the board chairman osis osis service period 2014/2015 we express our gratitude to the principal besarta dewaan teachers and coaches and their colleagues who have been faithful to help realize osis program.

Nothing feels for approximately one year we served as caretaker osis service period of 2014-2015 is now over. And now is the time to 'end and hand over to the next generation of organizational wheels are new osis board service period 2015/2016.

What we do may be nothing compared with organisasai we got during this task. Therefore, we hope to further the board is willing and able to develop the organization in line with what we expected, which is in accordance with the vision and mission of this organization. So later SMK Putra Tama Mandiri can develop more advanced even in the hands of the new board.

Many programs that we have and we have implemented a miraculous them by exerting all kemempuan that we have, although masaih many programs that have not yet implemented. For that kamai as osis board service period 2015/2016 allow to apologize profusely. And hope osis in future periods could be better and more perfect than the previous osis.

Handover is both a transfer of responsibilities from the old board to the new board. Therefore we say "congratulations to the management of the new osis we hope for Professionals please work together for the sake of our success, and not for personal ambition Contohlah which was just as good and throw away that ugly".

Lastly, I personally like to thank Mr. Pembina Osis on provisions and guidance during our office. To that end we ask the father / mother to not get enough to give affection to the board of the new osis. As what has been the father / mother gave to us as long osis board. The new osis that the board can carry out their duties in accordance with what we expected.

Do not forget also to his fellow board osis 2014/2015 period because without you I can not do anything, and without the help and support you also probably will not terlakssana programs well. Terimaksaih for the cooperation.

So from me that I can say sorry if there is a shortage because my man is not infallible. Perfection belongs only to God almighty one

14. apa arti dari you are welcom


Terima kasih
Semoga bermanfaat sama-sama
semoga bermanfaat

15. Mohon Lanjutkan Pertanyaan Di bawah Ini {}* 1.You Are Welcom!!! -LanjutanNyaAdalah?? -1? -2? -3? -4? #MohonDiBantuYaPliss

you are welcome to batam?
~~~~~~~~ to india

16. bahasa indonesia nya you are welcom


sama sama keknya dah wkwk


Sama-sama.Menurutq You are welcome itu jarang digunakan,yang lebih sering digunakan itu You're welcome.

Kalau welcome nya Di tambah d,nanti artinya berbeda lagi.


You're welcomed here= Anda diterima disini /Anda disambut disini

P.S Maaf klw terlalu panjang lebar:v

17. Menjawab dari your welcom


You're very welcome. Makna ungkapan ini hapir sama dengan you're welcome (terima kasih kembali atau sama-sama) tapi ada makna yang lebih kuat.

18. help this guys welcom​


1. (+) She isn't reading some messages now

(?) Is she reading some messages now?

2. (+) They aren't visiting book exhibition at present

(?) Are they visiting book exhibition at present?

3. (+) It isn't raining at the moment

(?) Is it raining at the moment?

19. welcom thanks for coming to my house artinya​


selamat datang terima kasih telah datang ke rumah saya

Maaf ya, aku cuma bisa menerjemahkannya saja ヾ(^-^)ノ

terjemahanya adalah:

selamat datang terima kasih telah datang ke rumah saya

20. apa arti a reseptionist welcom a guest 10 a.m

Seorang Penerima Tamu menyambut seorang Tamu pukul 10 Pagi

Seorang Penerima Tamu menyambut seorang Tamu pukul 10 Pagi

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Inflasi merupakan suatu keadaan perekonomian di suatu negara dimana terjadi kecenderungan kenaikan harga-harga barang dan jasa secara umum dalam waktu yang panjang

22. contoh welcom speed tentang pelepasan osis lama dan penerimaan osis baru

Assalamualaikum Wr. wb

Dear Sirs Tama head SMK Putra Mandiri, Honourable Mrs. vice principal field of student affairs, who I respect as well as the father of Trustees osis osis board colleagues old and new osis board that I loved, loved, and I am proud of.

Puja and thanksgiving let panjtkan khadirat Allah who has given grace and hidayahnya so that we can gather in this place to hold a handover once inauguration of new osis service period 2015/2016, so that this event can run smoothly and there is no obstacle any.

Here I am as well as representatives of the board chairman osis osis service period 2014/2015 we express our gratitude to the principal besarta dewaan teachers and coaches and their colleagues who have been faithful to help realize osis program.

Nothing feels for approximately one year we served as caretaker osis service period of 2014-2015 is now over. And now is the time to 'end and hand over to the next generation of organizational wheels are new osis board service period 2015/2016.

What we do may be nothing compared with organisasai we got during this task. Therefore, we hope to further the board is willing and able to develop the organization in line with what we expected, which is in accordance with the vision and mission of this organization. So later SMK Putra Tama Mandiri can develop more advanced even in the hands of the new board.

Many programs that we have and we have implemented a miraculous them by exerting all kemempuan that we have, although masaih many programs that have not yet implemented. For that kamai as osis board service period 2015/2016 allow to apologize profusely. And hope osis in future periods could be better and more perfect than the previous osis.

Handover is both a transfer of responsibilities from the old board to the new board. Therefore we say "congratulations to the management of the new osis we hope for Professionals please work together for the sake of our success, and not for personal ambition Contohlah which was just as good and throw away that ugly".

Lastly, I personally like to thank Mr. Pembina Osis on provisions and guidance during our office. To that end we ask the father / mother to not get enough to give affection to the board of the new osis. As what has been the father / mother gave to us as long osis board. The new osis that the board can carry out their duties in accordance with what we expected.

Do not forget also to his fellow board osis 2014/2015 period because without you I can not do anything, and without the help and support you also probably will not terlakssana programs well. Terimaksaih for the cooperation.

So from me that I can say sorry if there is a shortage because my man is not infallible. Perfection belongs only to God almighty one

23. ADA YG TAU CARA MUTIHIN GIGI ?? qqbet555 https://mewe.com/i/qqbetgacor


gosok gigi yg terataur


itu sih mnrut gw


sikat gigi pakai kunyit boleh kunyit bubuk

kumur kumur menggunakan air jeruk nipis campur garam airnya hangat

pengalaman pribadi

lakukan secara rutin


semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban terbaik

24. welcom to our school please use main entrance and register at office

Selamat Datang di sekolah kami gunakan pintu masuk utama dan mendaftar di ruang kantor.selamat datang di sekolah kami mohon gunakan pintu masuk utama dan daftar di kantor

25. contoh welcom speed tentang pelepasan osis lama dan penerimaan osis baru

Assalamualaikum Wr. wb

Dear Sirs Tama head SMK Putra Mandiri, Honourable Mrs. vice principal field of student affairs, who I respect as well as the father of Trustees osis osis board colleagues old and new osis board that I loved, loved, and I am proud of.

Puja and thanksgiving let panjtkan khadirat Allah who has given grace and hidayahnya so that we can gather in this place to hold a handover once inauguration of new osis service period 2015/2016, so that this event can run smoothly and there is no obstacle any.

Here I am as well as representatives of the board chairman osis osis service period 2014/2015 we express our gratitude to the principal besarta dewaan teachers and coaches and their colleagues who have been faithful to help realize osis program.

Nothing feels for approximately one year we served as caretaker osis service period of 2014-2015 is now over. And now is the time to 'end and hand over to the next generation of organizational wheels are new osis board service period 2015/2016.

What we do may be nothing compared with organisasai we got during this task. Therefore, we hope to further the board is willing and able to develop the organization in line with what we expected, which is in accordance with the vision and mission of this organization. So later SMK Putra Tama Mandiri can develop more advanced even in the hands of the new board.

Many programs that we have and we have implemented a miraculous them by exerting all kemempuan that we have, although masaih many programs that have not yet implemented. For that kamai as osis board service period 2015/2016 allow to apologize profusely. And hope osis in future periods could be better and more perfect than the previous osis.

Handover is both a transfer of responsibilities from the old board to the new board. Therefore we say "congratulations to the management of the new osis we hope for Professionals please work together for the sake of our success, and not for personal ambition Contohlah which was just as good and throw away that ugly".

Lastly, I personally like to thank Mr. Pembina Osis on provisions and guidance during our office. To that end we ask the father / mother to not get enough to give affection to the board of the new osis. As what has been the father / mother gave to us as long osis board. The new osis that the board can carry out their duties in accordance with what we expected.

Do not forget also to his fellow board osis 2014/2015 period because without you I can not do anything, and without the help and support you also probably will not terlakssana programs well. Terimaksaih for the cooperation.

So from me that I can say sorry if there is a shortage because my man is not infallible. Perfection belongs only to God almighty one

26. welcom ti our school please use main entrance and register at office

Selamat Datang di sekolah kami gunakan pintu masuk utama dan mendaftar di ruang kantor.

27. apakah arti welcom ​


Arti dari kata welcome atau bahasa indonesianya welcome adalah selamat datang.

Jawaban:selamat datang

28. 1.domain(www.com) 2.alamat IP di internet3.macam"browser4.software untuk menjalankan internetTolong saya dijelaskan yaa :)​

tautanan yang berisi info
alamat web yang anda gunakan
mesin pencarian

29. bhs indonesianya you are welcom,linda

sama-sama/terima kasih kembali.sama-sama/terima kasih kembali, Linda

30. Apa balasan you are welcom

senyuman yang ramah :v ye pansmile:))................

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