Sagitarius Karakter

Sagitarius Karakter

dimana letak bintang sagitarius

Daftar Isi

1. dimana letak bintang sagitarius

belahan langit sebelah selatan khatulistiwa tampak pada waktu malam bulan april-oktober

2. Di daerah rasi sagitarius terdapat?

  Pada pusat wilayah Sagitarius, berdirilah seorang centaur bernama Chiron, figur filsuf dan guru pada masa mitologi Yunani. Sebagai seorang centaur, Chiron adalah yang paling mewakili jiwa dari Sagitarius. Ini adalah simbol centaur dari separuh manusia dan separuh kuda, yang menggambarkan konflik jiwa filosofis dan insting fisik dari sifat manusia. Glyphnya (}) menggambarkan panah yang ditarik pada busur yang mengarah ke bintang. Simbol ini berhubungan dengan ideologi Sagitarius dalam hal perkembangan dan kelimpahan kosmik. Pengendali Sagitarius adalah Jupiter.

kalau tidak salah terdapat daerah kutub

3. Tentang perilaku bintang sagitarius

Sagittarians memiliki pandangan
hidup yang positif, petualang dan
berkemauan keras untuk
mendapatkan pengalaman hidup.
Mereka menikmati traveling dan
penjelajahan, hal ini dikarenakan
pikiran mereka yang terbuka
terhadap hal-hal baru. Mereka
biasanya ambisius dan optimistis,
meskipun di saat sulit. Mereka sangat
terhormat, jujur, setia dan baik,
dengan hasrat untuk bertindak adil.
Mereka memiliki keseimbangan
antara kesetiaan dan mandiri.
Sagittarians itu penuh antusias, jujur
dan terbuka dalam percintaan,
biasanya konvensional. Merek perlu
merasa bebas dan sering menemui
pilihan apakah mengutamakan karir
atau kehidupan keluarga atau
Dalam hubungan dengan orang lain,
jarang mengkhianati kepercayaan
yang diberikan kepadanya. Walau
demikian mereka dapat marah luar
biasa dan mereka tahu bagaimana
harus bertindak dan dengan ekspresi
yang dapat melukai orang yang
Mereka cocok sebagai guru dan
filosofer dengan bakat untuk
mengajar prinsip moral dan hokum.
Pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan
travel dan penjelajahan juga salah
satu yang cocok dengan Sagittarians.
Yang lain dapat menjadi musikus,
dan saat sebelum zaman automobil,
mereka sangat sukses dalam
berdagang kuda dan semua yang
berhubungan dengan semua aktivitas
yang berkaitan dengan kuda. Saat ini,
kita dapat asumsikan mobil sebagai
pengganti kuda, oleh karena itu
mereka dapat memperoleh
kesuksesan di bidang ini.
Sisi negative Sagittarians adalah
mudah marah; ketidaksabaran
mereka ingin masuk ke suatu projek
secepatnya dan menuntut para rekan
kerjanya bekerja dalam standar yang
mungkin tidak sama. Di satu sisi
mereka membutuhkan pengakuan.
Karena dengan menyelesaikan projek
besar mereka dapat mengorbankan
kesehatan dan hubungan keluarga.
Beberapa Sagittarians memiliki resiko
menjadi playboys, menghabisklan
hidupnya dalam hal-hal semu. Yang
lain dapat mengembangkan
moralitas, fanatisme agama.suka membantu sesama,
kuat ,
suka berolahraga,
cocok mejadi olahragawan.
tidak udah terserang penyakit,maaf kalau salahyaa

4. apa yang di maksud dgn sagitarius

sagitarius adalah zodiacSagitarius adalah rasi bintang Yang merupakan ke 12 rasi bintang. Karena aku sagitarius :v

5. apa maksud dari makhluk mitologis yunani yaitu Sagitarius Human???

sagitarius human itu berwujud setengah manusia setengah kuda jadi kalo dari arti sagitarius = kuda pemanah klo human = manusia jadi klo di sambung manusia kuda pemanah

6. Percaya pd ramalan seseorang, bintang gemintang, seperti sagitarius, leo, virgo dan lain lain yg diyakini ada hubungnnya dengan nasib seseorang disebut dengan

perbuatannya syirik,,dan orangnya musyrik

maaf klo salah

7. Jawab yg benar ya kak besok dikumpulkanA. Tuliskan 5 jenis zodiac.... B. Capricorn berbentuk.... C. Asal usul zodiac adalah......D. Kedatangan Virgo pada tanggal...E. Tuliskan jenis 2 gemini....F. Tuliskan 3 tanggal zodiac datang..G.Kedatangan Sagitarius pada tanggal....H. Tuliskan 3 jenis zodiac beserta tanggalnya....​


A. jawab :

1. Virgo

2. Gemini

3. Taurus

4. Capricorn

5. Cancer

B. jawab :

Di permukaan air, badannya berupa kambing dan yang di dalam air berupa ikan. Itulah sebabnya terkadang simbol Carpicorn berupa kambing jantan berjanggut ditambahkan dengan ekor.

C. jawab :

Kata zodiak adalah diambil dari bahasa Yunani yaitu Zoodiacos Cyclos yang artinya Lingkaran Hewan. Banyak pakar menyebutkan bahwa sebelum angka Yunani kuno menerapkan paten nama akan zodiak, bangsa Mesir kuno lah yang terlebih dahulu menciptakannya (sekitar abad ke-4 SM).

D. jawab :

23 Agustus sampai 22 September

E. jawab :


F. jawab :

1. (21 Maret – 20 April)...

2. (21 April – 20 Mei) ...

3. (21 Mei – 20 Juni) ...

G. jawab :

22 November sampai 21 Desember

H. jawab :

1. Zodiak Leo (21 Juli – 21 Agustus)

2. Zodiak Virgo (22 Agustus – 22 September)

3. Zodiak Libra (23 September – 22 Oktober)


maaf yya kalau No "E" ga kejawab

Cr : ~• Google, browser •~

8. Tolong kak nanti sore di kumpulA. Tuliskan 5 Jenis zodiac... B. Capricorn berbentuk....C. Asal mula zodiac adalah...D. tuliskan 2 jenis gemini....E. arti zodiac adalah.......F. Tuliskan 2 hewan zodiac...G. Tuliskan 2 manusia zodiacH.Tuliskan 3 jenis zodiac beserta jadwalnyaI. Jadwal zodiac virgo adalah..... J. Jadwal zodiac Sagitarius adalah.... Jawab yg benar ya​


A. Sagitarius, Aries, Scorpio, Aquarius, Capricorn

B. Kambing laut

C. Kata Zodiac adalah di ambil dari bahasa Yunani yaitu Zoodiacoz cyclos yang artinya lingkaran hewan

D. Misterius dan tidak mudah di tebak

E. Menyatakan siklus tahunan dari 12 Wilayah

F. Scorpio, Aries

G. Virgo, Gemini

H. ......




Maaf cm bisa jawab sampai G maaf bngt ya

9. Dewi Sartika was born on December 4th, 1884 in Cicalengka, Bandung. Her father named Raden Somanagara was a freedom fighter at that time. While her mother was Nyi Raden Rajapermas. Her parents were fighting hard to send him to the School of the Netherlands. Although it is so contrary to traditional culture prevailing at the time. For opposing the Government of the Netherlands East Indies, her mother was exiled to Ternate, while her father died. So, Dewi Sartika brought up by her maternal uncle, a brother of her mom, who called Arya. At that time, Arya was a governor in Cicalengka. Dewi Sartika gained the knowledge about the Sundanese culture of her uncle. She was also knowledgeable of Western culture that she got from a lady of Dutch Resident Assistant. She showed her potential in the world of education as a child. In fact, she taught children of kepatihan maid, so they were all able to read and write a few words in Dutch. This made Cicalengka in an uproar. People felt shocked because at that time there had been no rabble of children who can read and write. As a teenager, Dewi Sartika was back to Bandung and stayed with her mother. She was more determined to reach her goal, which was to establish a school that aims to promote women’s education. After a very long struggle, she finally managed to establish a school that is devoted to women. Then, on January 16, 1904, after consultation with the Regent R.A.A Martanagara, for the first time, she managed to open a school. The school was given the name of Sakola Istri or Sekolah Perempuan. Sakola Istri was the first school in the Dutch East Indies, it was originally only had 20 students. Sakola Istri was located in Bandung district hall, she was helped by two cousins, Ny. Poerwa and Nyi. Oewid. At the top, in 1912, she had 9 Sakola Istri in Pasundan. In 1914, Sakola Istri was renamed Sakola Kautamaan Istri (School of Virtue Women). Exactly in 1920 the whole region of Pasundan owned Sakola Kautamaan Istri. In September 1929, when Sakola Kautamaan Istri was 25 years, the school became the Sakola Raden Dewi. As for her dedication in this field, she was awarded by the Indian – Dutch government. Dewi Sartika died on September 11th, 1947 in Tasikmalaya. She was buried in the funeral Cigagadon Rahayu Village District of Cincem. Finally, after 3 years his tomb was moved to a cemetery complex Regent of Bandung at Karang Anyar Street, Bandung regency. Struggle as well as her dedication to the nation of Indonesia, made her an honorary degree, and were given on December 1st 1966 as the National Independence Hero. The Brief Biography of Dewi Satrika in English Full Name: Dewi Sartika Other Names: Djuragan Dewi or Djuragan Ageung Date of Birth: December 4th 1884 Place of Birth: Cicalengka, Bandung Zodiac: Sagitarius Date of Death: September 11th 1947 Place of Death: Karang Anyar Street, Tasikmalaya Died Age: 62 Years Known for: Pioneer of Female Education Nationality: Indonesia Religion: Islam Husband: Raden Kanduruan Agah Suriawinata Mother: Nyi Raden Rajapermas Father: Raden Somanagara Son: R. Atot Tentukan kalimat aktif dan pasif minimal 4kalimat aktif dan 4kalimat pasif

Kalimat aktif:

While her mother was Nyi Raden Rajapermas.

Her parents were fighting hard to send him to the School of the Netherlands.

Although it is so contrary to traditional culture prevailing at the time.

At that time, Arya was a governor in Cicalengka.

Dewi Sartika gained the knowledge about the Sundanese culture of her uncle.

She was also knowledgeable of Western culture that she got from a lady of Dutch Resident Assistant.

She showed her potential in the world of education as a child.

In fact, she taught children of kepatihan maid, so they were all able to read and write a few words in Dutch.

Kalimat pasif:

Dewi Sartika was born on December 4th, 1884 in Cicalengka, Bandung.

Her father named Raden Somanagara was a freedom fighter at that time.

her mother was exiled to Ternate

So, Dewi Sartika brought up by her maternal uncle, a brother of her mom, who called Arya

She was more determined to reach her goal, which was to establish a school that aims to promote women’s education.

10. 21. Bintang yang paling dekat dengan planet kitaadalah ....a. Mataharic. Sagitariusb. Geminid. Cancer​

Bintang yang paling dekat dengan planet kita (bumi) adalah Matahari, sekitar 149.000.000 km. Matahari disebut bintang karena dapat memancarkan cahayanya sendiri.

11. Dewi Sartika was born on December 4th, 1884 in Cicalengka, Bandung. Her father named Raden Somanagara was a freedom fighter at that time. While her mother was Nyi Raden Rajapermas. Her parents were fighting hard to send him to the School of the Netherlands. Although it is so contrary to traditional culture prevailing at the time. For opposing the Government of the Netherlands East Indies, her mother was exiled to Ternate, while her father died. So, Dewi Sartika brought up by her maternal uncle, a brother of her mom, who called Arya. At that time, Arya was a governor in Cicalengka. Dewi Sartika gained the knowledge about the Sundanese culture of her uncle. She was also knowledgeable of Western culture that she got from a lady of Dutch Resident Assistant. She showed her potential in the world of education as a child. In fact, she taught children of kepatihan maid, so they were all able to read and write a few words in Dutch. This made Cicalengka in an uproar. People felt shocked because at that time there had been no rabble of children who can read and write. As a teenager, Dewi Sartika was back to Bandung and stayed with her mother. She was more determined to reach her goal, which was to establish a school that aims to promote women’s education. After a very long struggle, she finally managed to establish a school that is devoted to women. Then, on January 16, 1904, after consultation with the Regent R.A.A Martanagara, for the first time, she managed to open a school. The school was given the name of Sakola Istri or Sekolah Perempuan. Sakola Istri was the first school in the Dutch East Indies, it was originally only had 20 students. Sakola Istri was located in Bandung district hall, she was helped by two cousins, Ny. Poerwa and Nyi. Oewid. At the top, in 1912, she had 9 Sakola Istri in Pasundan. In 1914, Sakola Istri was renamed Sakola Kautamaan Istri (School of Virtue Women). Exactly in 1920 the whole region of Pasundan owned Sakola Kautamaan Istri. In September 1929, when Sakola Kautamaan Istri was 25 years, the school became the Sakola Raden Dewi. As for her dedication in this field, she was awarded by the Indian – Dutch government. Dewi Sartika died on September 11th, 1947 in Tasikmalaya. She was buried in the funeral Cigagadon Rahayu Village District of Cincem. Finally, after 3 years his tomb was moved to a cemetery complex Regent of Bandung at Karang Anyar Street, Bandung regency. Struggle as well as her dedication to the nation of Indonesia, made her an honorary degree, and were given on December 1st 1966 as the National Independence Hero. The Brief Biography of Dewi Satrika in English Full Name: Dewi Sartika Other Names: Djuragan Dewi or Djuragan Ageung Date of Birth: December 4th 1884 Place of Birth: Cicalengka, Bandung Zodiac: Sagitarius Date of Death: September 11th 1947 Place of Death: Karang Anyar Street, Tasikmalaya Died Age: 62 Years Known for: Pioneer of Female Education Nationality: Indonesia Religion: Islam Husband: Raden Kanduruan Agah Suriawinata Mother: Nyi Raden Rajapermas Father: Raden Somanagara Son: R. Atot Tentukan kalimat aktif dan pasif dari teks tersebut minimal 4.

Kalimat aktif:

While her mother was Nyi Raden Rajapermas.

Her parents were fighting hard to send him to the School of the Netherlands.

Although it is so contrary to traditional culture prevailing at the time.

At that time, Arya was a governor in Cicalengka.

Dewi Sartika gained the knowledge about the Sundanese culture of her uncle.

She was also knowledgeable of Western culture that she got from a lady of Dutch Resident Assistant.

She showed her potential in the world of education as a child.

In fact, she taught children of kepatihan maid, so they were all able to read and write a few words in Dutch.

Kalimat pasif:

Dewi Sartika was born on December 4th, 1884 in Cicalengka, Bandung.

Her father named Raden Somanagara was a freedom fighter at that time.

her mother was exiled to Ternate

So, Dewi Sartika brought up by her maternal uncle, a brother of her mom, who called Arya

She was more determined to reach her goal, which was to establish a school that aims to promote women’s education.

12. ketika belahan bumi utara musim bunga dan belahan bumi selatan musim gugur, matahari bergerak melewati rasi ?a. cancer, leo, dan virgo b. cancer, aries, dan librac. aries, taurus, dan geminid. libra, scorpio, dan sagitarius e. capricornus, aquarius dan pisces​


E. capricornus,Aquarius, dan pisces


maaf kalo salah

13. ketika belahan bumi utara musim bunga dan belahan bumi selatan musim gugur, matahari bergerak melewati rasi ?a. cancer, leo, dan virgo b. cancer, aries, dan librac. aries, taurus, dan geminid. libra, scorpio, dan sagitarius e. capricornus, aquarius dan piscestolong dijawab yang benar.

mungkin e. capricornus, aquarius dan pispes

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