Penggunaan Present Continuous Tense

Penggunaan Present Continuous Tense

bantu jawab dong menggunakan present tensepast tensefuture tenseperfect tensepresent continuous tensepast continuous tensefuture continuous tenseperfect continuous tense​

Daftar Isi

1. bantu jawab dong menggunakan present tensepast tensefuture tenseperfect tensepresent continuous tensepast continuous tensefuture continuous tenseperfect continuous tense​


a dog ate 3 kg meat

a dog has been eaten 3 kg meat

1. A dog eats 3 kg meat
A dog ate 3 kg meat
A will eat 3 kg meat

2. Apa kegunaan dari Simple present tense, Present continuous tense, dan present perfect tense...?

Simple present tense adalah kata kerja untuk menyatakan kebiasaan atau kejadian pada saat ini
Present continous tense adalah kata kerja untuk menerangkan suatu kejadian yang sedang berlangsung pada saat kita mengatakannya
present perfect tense digunakan untuk menggambarkan kegiatan yang telah sempurna terjadi di suatu waktu pada masa lalu , namun masih berhubungan dengan masa sekarang

3. Membuat cerita menggunakan present tense dan present continuous tense ​


me and my family goes to the beach today. me and my brother were building a sand castle. my brother and my sister are playing the football on the edge of the beach. my mother was reading a book. It was sunny. I had so much fun!

Semoga membantu! ^^

4. buat dialog bahasa Inggris singkat yang menggunakan present continuous tense, past continuous tense, dan future continuous tense​


present continuous tense : i am reading a book now

past continous tense : they were reading a book , while i was taking a nap

future continous tense : i Will be doing an Exam at this time tomorrow

5. ini past continuous tense bukan present continuous tense​


1. C. when

2. A.

3.  B. when

4. C. was

5.  C.



I was reading a detective story when I heard a noise.I was studying when my mobile rang.Somebody threw a shoe at him while he was speaking.My brother and sister were playing tennis at 11 a.m. yesterday.They were watching TV when I arrived.

PAST CONTINUOUS TENSEFungsiMenunjukkan suatu aksi yang sedang terjadi di masa lampau.Menunjukkan suatu aksi yang sedang terjadi sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi di masa lampau.

While & When

Past continuous tense biasanya sering menggunakan kata while dan when.

While digunakan pada klausa past continuous tenseWhen digunakan pada klausa simple past tense


When I arrived, they were talking about me.She went out while I was taking a bath.

Pola Kalimat Past Continuous Tense(+) S + was/were + V-ing(-) S + was/were + not + V-ing(?) Was/were + S + V-ing + ...?


I was cleaning the house when you called meYou told me something while I was not doing my job.Was he bothering you?


Gunakan was untuk subjek I, he, she, itGunakan were untuk you, we, they

6. Apa persamaan antara present continuous tense, past continuous tense, present perfect tense, dan present perfect future tense


Persamaannya adalah bahwa mereka termasuk tenses

7. Apa perbedaan penggunaan present tense dan present continuous?


Perbedaan nya adalah Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk kalimat fakta atau perbuatan yang dilakukan sehari-hari, sementara Present Continuous Tense digunakan saat menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung.


Kalimat present tense atau simple present tense adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk masa sekarang atau digunakan saat menjelaskan kehidupan sehari-hari kita. Contoh nya She sleeps. Sementara Kalimat present continuous tense adalah kalimat untuk menjelaskan keadaan atau digunakan di masa sekarang dan masih berlangsung. Contoh, we are eating right now. Yang namanya continuous pasti selalu menggunakan to be (am, are, is) dan akhiran ING pada kata kerja atau verb dalam bahasa Inggrisnya.


8. apa yang membedakan penggunaan present perfect tense dengan present perfect continuous tense?

contoh present p tense.
i have killed you.
contoh pp continuous tense.
i have been waiting for you since you were born.

untuk di atas kejadiannya sudah terjadi bahwa ana sudah membunuhmu dan untuk yang di bawah kejadiannya masih berlangsung,

9. 1. Buatlah masing-masing 1 kalimat passive voice dengan menggunakan tense: simple present tense,present continuous tense, simple past tense past continuous tense dan present perfect​


simple present:-My parents buy a house every five years.

-A house is bought every five years

10. apa perbedaan present continuous tense,past continuous tense,dan future continuous tense

Perbedaan present continuous tense, past continuous tense, dan future continuous tense adalahPresent continuous tense menunjukkan kegiatan di masa sekarang, past continuous tense menunjukkan kegiatan di masa lampau, dan future continuous tense menunjukkan kegiatan di masa mendatang (belum terjadi).Present continuous tense menggunakan is/am/are, past continuous tense menggunakan was/were, dan future continuous tense menggunakan will be.

Simak penjelasan berikut.


Continuous tenses merupakan bentuk kalimat yang menyatakan kegiatan sedang berlangsung dan dimulai sebelum masa tertentu yang disebutkan dalam pembicaran. Tiga macam continuous tenses yang akan dibahas di sini, yaitu present continuous tense, past continuous tense, dan future continuous tense.

Present continuous tense menunjukkan kegiatan di masa sekarang, past continuous tense menunjukkan kegiatan di masa lampau, dan future continuous tense menunjukkan kegiatan di masa mendatang (belum terjadi). Ketiganya menjelaskan bahwa kegiatan sedang berlangsung pada masanya masing-masing.

Ketiga tenses menggunakan kata kerja pelengkap (auxiliary verb) 'be'. Present continuous tense menggunakan is/am/are, past continuous tense menggunakan was/were, dan future continuous tense menggunakan will be.  Kata kerja tersebut dipasangkan dengan kata kerja bentuk -ing.

Formula continuous tenses: 'be' + verb-ingFormula present continuous tense: is/am/are + verb-ingFormula past continuous tense: was/were + verb-ingFormula future continuous tense: will be + verb-ing

Berikut contoh kalimat untuk lebih memahami perbedaan ketiga tenses tersebut:

1. I am learning English at the moment. (menjelaskan bahwa aku sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris saat ini, sedang berlangsung dan dimulai sebelum berbicara)

2. I was learning English when Deni called me. (menjelaskan bahwa aku sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris ketika Deni menelpon, dimulai sebelum Deni menelpon)

3. I will be learning English at 7 o'clock this night. (menjelaskan bahwa aku akan sedang belajar jam 7 nanti malam, dimulai sebelum jam 7)

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Materi tentang Past Continuous Tense dan contoh kalimat:

2. Materi tentang Present Continuous Tense dan contoh kalimat:

3. Materi tentang Future Continuous Tense dan contoh kalimat:

Detail jawaban

Kelas: 9

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Past, present, future tenses

Kode: 9.5.5


11. cerita selama liburan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dilengkapi dengan present continuous tense past continuous tense future continuous tense​

Jawab: Do positive activities during the holidays and useful activities


12. cerita menggunakan present tense, simple past, past continuous? Ket: Present tense : Nominal Verbal Simple past: Nominal Verbal continuous: Present continuous Pasti continuous

kategori : Bahasa Inggris - Recount Text
kelas : SMA X


My name is Gumanti (nominal present tense). I Live in Yogyakarta (verbal present tense). I work as an English teacher (verbal present tense). I was graduated from Diponegoro University (passive past tense). I was studying at there (past continuous tense) when i was seventeen years old (nominal past tense). and then, I taught as a computer teacher after graduating (verbal past tense).

Now, i am teaching English in elementary school (present continuous). Beside that, i am a brainly moderator. my job is moderating english and indonesian subject.

13. menggunakan present continuous tense!​

1. I am eating a cake

2. Emil is dringking mineral water

3. We are dancing together

4. My brother and my sister are cleaning their rooms

5. The children are playing volleyball

maap keun kalau salah ;)

14. Jelaskan perbedaan past tense, past continuous tense, present tense, dan present continuous tense.​


Past tense : kata yang menunjukkan pada kala lampau

Past continuous tense : kata yang menunjukkan kejadian atau aksi yang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau

Present tense : kata yang menunjukkan pada masa sekarang

Present continuous tense : kata yang menunjukkan kejadian atau aksi yang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa sekarang

Perbedaannya di kata past dan present ingat ya bahwa past artinya masa lampau atau dulu sedangkan present artinya masa sekarang

15. Present Continuous Tense/Past Continuous Tense/Futire Continuous Tense​


2. Present continuous tense

3. Past continuous tense

4. Past continuous tense

5. Future continuous tense

6. Future continuous tense

16. Apa persamaan present continuous tense, past continuous tense dan future continuous tense???


Ketiganya adalah continuous tense yang merupakan bentuk kalimat untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang sedang terjadi/dilakukan. Karena continuous tense maka formulanya menggunakan Verb+ing.

17. menggunakan rumus present continuous tense ​


What are the boys doing? They are playing sport


Maaf ya kalo salah

18. 2. Present continuous tense: Past continuous tense Future continuous tense​


Present continuous tense:

Dirga is watching movieDirga is not watching movieis Dirga watching movie?

Past continuous tense:

Last night, I was watching youtube Last night, I was watching youtube Last night , was I watching youtube?

Future continuous tense:

naufal will be watching in lippo plaza Next monthnaufal will not be watching in lippo plaza next monthwill naufal be watching in lippo plaza next month?



pada Present continuous tense jika:




pada Past continuous tense jika:

pada Past continuous tense jika:was menggunakan I,SHE,HE, & IT

pada Past continuous tense jika:was menggunakan I,SHE,HE, & ITwere menggunakan YOU,THEY, & WE

semoga membantu

19. buatlah paragraf menggunakan kalimat present tense , present Continuous tense dan past tense​


1. She always gets up at 5 o'clock

2. We must study every day

3. My uncle arrives from Jakarta tomorrow

4. The sun rises in the East and Seth in the West

5. He usually swims in his pool with his friends


1. Tom is sleeping

2. Hendry is reading a newspaper

3. Bill and June are playing tennis

4. the cat is running

5. Mia is eating bread


1. Last year Rachel was twenty, she is twenty one now

2. when I was a child, I was fat

3. was the weather good when you were on holiday?

4. why were you late this morning?

5. this time last year I was in paris

20. AN Task 3 Observe the pictures and write what are/were/will be they doing! 1. Present continuous tense: Past continuous tense Future continuous tense : 2. 3. 4. Present continuous tense: Past continuous tense Future continuous tense Present continuous tense: . Past continuous tense : Future continuous tense : Present continuous tense: Past continuous tense Future continuous tense :​

present future continuous tense past continuous tense future continuous

21. kapan kita menggunakan present continuous tense​


- Saat kita akan membicarakan tentang sesuatu yang sedang terjadi

- Saat kita akan membicarakan sesuatu yang tidak bersifat permanen

22. cerita bahasa inggris mencakup simple present tense, present continuous tense, present perfect tense, present perfect continuous tense

I am Sarah. My full name is Sarah Lau Smith. I am a second grade student of Junior High School. I am 14 years old. My birth day is on July 5.

In my family, I am the second child. I have an older brother named Nathan and one younger sister named Grace. My mother is from China and my father is from Australia. We live in Indonesia.

My family and I love pets. We have some pets at home, namely five fish, one dog and two cats. Nathan love cats and I love dogs. Our cats and dog are like friends. They never fight.

In the future, I want to be a veterinarian. I want to help animals to survive and live longer. I like watching their unique behaviors.  They are all beautiful creatures. I love animals.

23. contoh paragraf yang menggunakan 4 tenses: present tense, present continuous, present prrfect dan present prrfect continuous

(1)I don't go to school, (2)i am writing a novel now. (3)I have done my homework too. (4)I have been writing for 4 hours, and now i want to sleep.

1 = Present Simple
2= Present Continuous
3= Present Perfect
4= Present Perfect Continuous

Sekian terima kasih, semoga membantu dan

24. dialog yang menggunakan kalimat present perfect tense,present continuous tense dan future tense​


Dialog yang menggunakan kalimat present perfect tense,present continuous tense dan future tense​:

Ayu: Have you visited Bali, Indra?

Indra: Yes, I have. I have visited three times.

Ayu: So, this is the third visit?

Indra: Yes, it is. I am now visiting for the third.

Ayu: Owh,m I see. And, when will you visit for the forth, then?

Indra: Well, I will visit for the forth, next year.


Ayu: Have you visited Bali, Indra?

Indra: Yes, I have. I have visited three times. (Present perfect tense)

Ayu: So, this is the third visit?

Indra: Yes, it is. I am now visiting for the third. (Present continuous tense)

Ayu: Owh, I see. And, when will you visit for the forth, then?

Indra: Well, I will visit for the forth, next year. (Future tense)

25. Dialog yang menggunakan kalimat dari present perfect tense present continuous tense dan future tense​


Anggi : Hello. Anggi is speaking. Who is it?

Harmoni : Hello Anggi. I’m Harmoni.

Anggi : Oh, Harmoni. Are you using somebody’s phone? This isn’t your phone numbers, right?

Harmoni : No, it isn’t. I am using my mother’s phone. My battery is running out. By the way, what are you doing?

Anggi : Oh, I’m studying right now. We are having Science examination tomorrow morning. Do you forget it?

Harmoni : Of course not. That’s why I am calling you now.

Anggi : Oh, what’s up? Is there anything I can help?

Harmoni : Owh, I do not know where to start learning. These are difficult materials. I am trying to remember all things. I have been reading the Science books five times. But I cannot remember almost all of them. I am afraid that I will fail the exam.

Anggi : Keep calm, Harmoni. You cannot concentrate at the same time you’re worrying about the failure. Start from the easiest material. One more, you should not memorize all things. Try to understand them.

Harmoni : Yeah, I think so. I will try to understand those materials.

Anggi : O yeah, I am just remembering something. I have some Science videos. I have watched all of them. Those videos give me clear explanation about Science. I think you should watch them too.

Harmoni : Oh, that sounds great.

Anggi : I am in front of my computer now. I am sending the links of the videos to your email. Check them out.

Harmoni : Wow, thanks, Anggi. You’re saving my life!

Anggi : Oh, don’t mention it. Good luck on the exam tomorrow. Bye.

Harmoni : U too. Bye.


ini present continouse tense

26. bagaimana cara menggunakan simple past tense,present tense, present continuous tense?​


S.Past Tense=Peristiwa yang sudah berlalu dan menggunakan V2

Present tense =Menyatakan peristiwa yang sedang terjadi

Present continuous tense=peristiwa yang sudah berlalu dan terulangi lagi

contoh Past tense :Sinta and Sindi were at the school library yesterday afternoon.

contoh presnt tense:My dog likes to play after eating.

contoh present contionous tense:I am reading a book at the moment

maap klo slh


simple present tense:digunakan untuk kalimat yang waktunya menunjukkan waktu lampau ex:i played football yesterday simple present tense:digunakan pada kalimat yang sedang berlangsung ex:i playing footballsimple present continuous:digunakan pada kalimat yg terjadi dan masih terasa efeknya dan waktunya tdk spesifik ex:i have been take a bath

27. contoh kalimat menggunakan Present Continuous Tense menjadi Past Continuous Tense​


Present continuous tense:

I am swimming in the pool right now

Past continuous tense:

I was swimming in the pool a week ago


Present continuous tense:

subject + to be(am/is/are) + verb ing

past continuous tense:

subject + to be (was/were) + verb ing

28. buat kalimat simple present tense dan kalimat present continuous tense dengan menggunakan verba yang sama

1. verb = play

simple = My friends play games with my sister

continuous = My friends are playing games with my sister

2. verb = eat

simple = He eats food quickly

continuous = He is eating food quickly

3. verb = drink

simple = I drink chocolate milk

continuous = I am drink chocolate milk

4. verb = sit

simple = He sits on my chair

continuous = He is sitting on my chair

5. verb = use

simple = My dad uses his phone to take pictures

continuous = My dad is using his phone to take pictures

29. ubah ke kalimat present continuous tense,present perfect tense,present perfect continuous tense​


present continues tense

(+) Ani is getting up at 8 o'clock every sunday

(-) Ani is not getting up at 8 o'clock every sunday

(?) Is Ani getting up at 8 o'clock every sunday?

Present perfect tense

(+) Ani has gotten up at 8 o'clock every sunday

(-) Ani has not gotten up at 8 o'clock every Sunday

(?) has Ani gotten up at 8 o'clock every sunday?

present perfect continues tense

(+) Ani has been getting up at 8 o'clock every sunday

(-) Ani has not been getting up at 8 o'clock every sunday

(?) Has Ani been getting up at 8 o'clock every sunday?

30. Quiz Buatlah masing masing 1, tema terserah, dengan menggunakan present simple tense, present continuous tense, present perfect tense, dan present perfect continuous tense. Jangan lupa formulanya ditulis.

1) Present Simple Tense

We study English every Tuesday

2) Present Continuous Tense

We are studying English now

3) Present Perfect Tense

He has written the letter completely

4) Present Perfect Continuous Tense

He has been watering the plants for two hours

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