Pemain Goat

Pemain Goat

siapa pemain yang dijuluki goat saat bermain di real madrid a. Cristianob. Vazquezc. Raul Gonzalezd. Zidane​

1. siapa pemain yang dijuluki goat saat bermain di real madrid a. Cristianob. Vazquezc. Raul Gonzalezd. Zidane​

Jawaban :

a. Cristiano

Penjelasan :

Cristiano Ronaldo adalah pemain yang dijuluki goat saat bermain di real madrid. GOAT berarti Greatest Of All Time.

2. The wolf and the goat a wolf saw a goat grazing .....

A wolf saw a goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff. The wolf smacked his lips at the thought of a fine goat dinner.

"My dear friend," said the wolf in his sweetest voice, "aren't you afraid you will fall down from that cliff? Come down here and graze on this fine grass beside me on safe, level ground."

"No, thank you," said the goat.

"Well then," said the wolf, "aren't you cold up there in the wind? You would be warmer grazing down here beside me in this sheltered area."

"No, thank you," said the goat.

"But the grass tastes better down here!" said the exasperated wolf, "Why dine alone?"

"My dear wolf," the goat finally said, "are you quite sure that it is MY dinner you are worrying about and not your own?"

3. contoh kegoatan dorongan

mendorong meja, menekan tombol, menginjak pedal sepeda, menutup pintumendorong mobil yang mogok, mendorong meja, mendorong lemari.
semoga membantu...

4. contoh teks deskripsi tentang kegoatan sekolah​




Suatu kegiatan organisasi yang terdapat di dalam sekolah untuk mengibarkan bendera pusaka merah putih, suatu ekstrakurikuler yang dapat menjadi media bagi anggotanya untuk membentuk nilai-nilai penting dalam diri. Di dalamnya terdapat nilai nilai seperti kedisiplinan, cinta tanah air, patriotisme, dan lain-lain. Oleh karena itu upaya dan partisipasi semua pihak sangat diperlukan terutama di sekolah.

dan paskibras dapat menjadi pengibar bendera merah putih saat tujuh belas Agustus dengan nama paskibraka pada setiap kecamatan, kabupaten, provinsi dan bahkan dapat mengibaratkan bendera pusaka pusat ibu kota/nasional

5. an elephant is ... than goat. ​


bigger artinya lebih besar


♡ Follow => @sxgarbabyx ♡

6. Hasil yang diperole dari kegoatan produksi

barang dan/ jasa

maaf kalau salah

7. A goat eats grass and​

Jawaban: Carrot And Other Vegetable


I hope its right

8. tiga kegoatan pokokekonomi yang dilakukan manusia​


memberikan hasil kerjasama


prduksi, distribusi, dan konsumsi

9. Ciri goat mouse dalam b ing

Goat :
- Herbivorous animals
- Have a pair of horns
- Has a short tail
- Has four legs

Mouse :
- His whole body was covered in fine hair
- Omnivorous animals
- Has four legs

Sorry is wrong

10. Goat bahasa indonesia

Goat = kambing

Got = selokan :')

11. Cerita The old woman and the goat past tenseTHE Old WOMAN AND GOAT



by Amy Friedman and Meredith Johnson

(a Russian tale)

December 15, 1996

Once upon a time a poor old man and woman owned a goat. They loved their goat as if he were a child, for they had no children of their own.

People talked about the old man and woman behind their backs. "Fools," they whispered, "treating a goat as if he were a son." "It's ridiculous," others said. "How can anyone love a goat?"

But the old man and woman did not care about gossip. They enjoyed their goat's company, and they treated him with tender affection.

One day the old man went into the forest to gather wood. As always, his goat trotted behind him. As he worked, the goat searched for bits of grass to munch among the fallen leaves.

When the old man had gathered all the wood he needed, he turned to call his goat. He noticed that the goat had dug a hole in the ground. The man looked into the hole, and at the bottom he saw an old, rusting trunk.

Without a moment's hesitation, he climbed into the hole. He got hold of the trunk and, breathing heavily, lifted it out of the hole.

Imagine his joy when he found inside hundreds of shining gold coins! He threw aside his wood, picked up the chest and hurried home. His faithful goat trotted closely behind him.

His wife was overjoyed at the sight of the gold. "This is our reward for all our hard years of work," she cried. "Now at last we shall live in comfort."

"My dear wife," the old man said, "we must not forget that this is our goat's fortune, for he is the one who found it. We will use it for his benefit." The old woman agreed, of course.

From that day on, the goat led a life of ease and comfort. Every morning the old man walked him to the farthest fields so that he might graze on the best grass. At night they laid him in a fleecy bed beside the fire.

For years the three lived very well and happily together. But, sad to say, one day the goat got sick, and before long he died.

"I shall dearly miss our goat," the old man said. "I will ask the priest to prepare a service for him." The old woman thought that a splendid idea.

The old man went to the church and bowed to the priest. "Father," he said humbly, "our old goat has died, and my wife and I want you to give him a fine funeral. He was very devout."

The priest was furious. "How dare you ask me to bury a useless old goat?" he cried.

But the old man was no fool. He looked into the priest's eyes and said, "Father, I forgot to say that our goat left you 200 rubles in his will."

"Ahh," said the priest. "Of course your goat deserves a funeral. I only wish you had explained which goat it was that died." And so the priest took the 200 rubles and sent the old man to the deacon to make preparations for the funeral.

"Good deacon," said the old man, "I want you to prepare a funeral."

"Of course, good man," said the deacon. "Tell me, who has died?"

"You never had the pleasure of meeting him, sir," said the old man, "but he was the finest goat in this whole land."

"How dare you tease me with foolish requests! Go away!" the deacon shouted.

"But deacon, my old goat was no ordinary creature. He was as devout as could be, and before he died he asked me to give you 100 rubles."

"Why did you not tell me which goat it was you meant?" exclimed the deacon. "Go quickly now and tell the bell ringer to ring the bells. We must all pray together for the good goat's soul."

The old man ran to the bell ringer. "Please ring the bells for my goat, who has died this very day."

"Off with you!" the bell ringer bellowed, losing his temper. "Do not treat me like a fool!"

"But sir," said the old man, "my goat was generous. He left you 50 rubles in his will."

"Oh," said the bell ringer. "I thought you meant another goat." And he seized the ropes and pulled with all his strength. Soon the whole village rang with the sound.

Not long afterward, the priest and the deacon appeared at the old man's house. Behind them came hundreds of people. In a long procession, they all walked to the graveyard. There the people placed the goat in a beautiful oak coffin and lowered it into a grave.

Several days later, the bishop came to town and heard the news of the goat's funeral. He called the priest, the deacon, the bell ringer and the old man. "How dare you grant a burial to a poor, shoddy goat!" he roared.

"But good sir," said the old man, "this goat left you 1,000 rubles for your goodness and generosity."

For a moment the bishop did not speak. Then he smiled and said: "Good sirs, please understand, I was not criticizing you for your burial. This goat was far too splendid for plain things. I only regret that you did not allow me to bless him with holy oil. Now I shall leave you with one thought, and one thought only: May the good goat rest in peace, forever and ever."

The old man walked home and told his wife of the bishop's blessing. Forever after, they always remembered their dear creature and all that he had given them. And no one ever called them fools again.

12. the identification a goat

identifikasi sebuah kambing.Goat is one of the most well-known herbivores. It is often cooked by humans to celebrate religious days. Goat is not a harmful animal at all. It has 4 legs and it lives in the meadow.

13. cow is.....than goat


Jawaban 1 : heavier

Jawaban 2 : bigger

14. berilah contoh kegoatan industri!!​


• Kerja Pabrik meliputi:

– > Industri makanan.– > Industri kosmetik – > Industri barang seperti ( Sepatu , topi , Baju )


maaf klu salah semoga membantu

15. Apa bahasa indonesianya GOAT​


Goat = kambing


mungkin ada di kamus bahasa Inggris kalau sheep juga artinya kambing tapi artinya lebih merujuk ke domba

16. A goat likes to eat ​


sebuah kambing suka makan


maaf klo

17. intuk apa kegoatan pada zaman para rasul dilakukan

agar bisa mendapatkan faedah dari kegiatan tersebut
semoga membantu

18. a goat eats.........​


A goat eats Grass


hope this answer will help you!! :D

19. goat arti dalam bahasa indonesia​


Arti goat di bahasa indonsia

Goat : kambing

maaf kalau salah





20. descriptive text goat and bird

membuat cerita sendiri ttg kambing dan burung..

21. Dariys. goat berdinding are an​


Nanya yang bener

Pasti saya jawab yang bener juga

22. grass-likes-goat-eating.​


Goat likes eating grass


Artinya kambing suka makan rumput

23. Sebutkan prasarana apa saja yang dibutuhkan dalam kegoatan transportasi!

jawaban : Jenis dan spesifikasi kendaraan– Jarak perjalanan– Tujuan perjalanan– Ketersediaan moda– Ukuran kota dan kerapatan permukiman– Faktor sosial – ekonomi

24. Apa jawaban A goat eats?

A goat eats berarti seekor kambing memakan.

Jawaban untuk pertanyaan ini ialah grass yang berarti rumput. Kalimat lengkapnya ialah “a goat eats grass.” Kalimat ini berarti seekor kambing memakan rumput.


Kalimat diatas merupakan contoh kalimat simple present tense. Simple present tense merupakan jenis kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi pada masa kini. Selain itu, simple present tense juga digunakan untuk menyatakan aktivitas rutin dan fakta/ kebenaran umum.

Struktur Simple Present Tense

(+) S + V1 (+s/ es) + O

(-) S + do/ does + not + V1 + O

(?) Do/ does + S + V1 + O + ?

Contoh kalimat:

(+) They go to church every Sunday

(-) They don’t go to church every Sunday

(?) Do they go to church every Sunday?

Semoga membantu.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang simple present tense

Contoh kalimat simple present tense

Detil Tambahan

Kelas: III

Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris

Bab: Animals

Kode Kategori: 3.5.6


25. Cat= Cow= Snake= Goat= Wolf=


cat= kucing

cow= sapi

snake= ular

goat = kambing

wolf= serigala

semoga membantu :3

cat = kucing

Cow= sapi

snake = ular



26. apa bahasa inggris goat

goat artinya kambinggoat = kambing

kambing = goat

dan cara penyebutannya got, beda sama gad kalo gad = god = tuhan

27. siapa itu GOAT Jawab WoE​


GOAT adalah kepanjangan dari Greatest of All Time alias pemain terbaik sepanjang masa.



GOAT dalam bahasa Inggris berarti kambing

28. most goat .... hors​


Meet Rasputin, the Walliser black-necked goat who entered Guinness World Records 2017 Edition for having the Largest horn spread – goat (living). ...

Martin Pirker bought Rasputin five years ago – when his horns were only small – but in the following years they underwent a huge growth spurt.


mmf klo salah

29. bagaimana tanggapan kalian tentang kegoatan pmi

tugas pmi sangat mulia, karena ia membantu korban yg terluka, tunaikan tugas suci tujuan pmi! :)sngat membantu untuk menjalankan P3K,

30. my brother has a goat it is... goat. he bought it Bu self​


artinya: saudaraku punya kambing itu kambing dia itu bu sendiri


maaf kalo salah:)

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