Past Perfect Contoh

Past Perfect Contoh

contoh reading past perfect tense + past perfect continuous

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1. contoh reading past perfect tense + past perfect continuous

past perfect,ex: the train had just left when i arrived at the station
past perfect continous ex:we had been trying to open the door

2. Contoh penggunaan simple past past continuous, past perfect, past perfect continous tense


Simple Past Continous Tense

(+) Kalimat positif: S + was/were + Ving.

(-) Kalimat negatif: S + was/were + not + Ving.

(?) Kalimat tanya: Was/were + S + Ving?1. (+) Adinda was talking to me when her mother called. (Adinda sedang berbicara denganku ketika ibunya menelepon)

2. (-) Adinda was not talking to me when her mother called. (Adinda tidak sedang berbicara denganku ketika ibunya menelepon)

(?) Was Adinda talking to you when her mother called? (Apakah Adinda sedang berbicara denganmu ketika ibunya menelepon?)

Past Perfect

Kalimat positif: S + had + past participle (V-3)

Kalimat negatif: S + had + not + past participle (V-3)

Kalimat interogatif/kalimat tanya: Had + S + past participle (V-3)

1. I had finished the work.

2. Mom had gone since morning to do her work.

3. She didn't want to move. She had lived in Depok all her life.

Past Perfect Continous Tense

Kalimat positif (+), S + had + been + V-ing (present participle)

Kalimat negatif (-), S + had not + been + V-ing (present participle)

Kalimat interogatif (?), Had + S + been + V-ing (present participle)

1. When my mom came, her friends had been chatting for two hours. (Ketika ibuku datang, teman-temannya sudah menunggu selama dua jam.)

I Hope Can Help You More

3. contoh simple past dan past perfect ​


simple past tense:

John kicked the ball

past perfect :

John had kicked the ball,before I kicked it


topic:past tenses


Adalah kalimat yang menjelaskan tentang kegiatan yang terjadi sebelum kegiatan lainnya pada masa lampau.


(+) S+Had+Verb 3+O

(-) S+Had+not+Verb 3+O

(?) Had+S+Verb 3+O?


Adalah kalimat yang menyatakan sukegiatanatu lampau di Masa lalu.


(+)S+Verb 2+O

(-)S+Did+not+Verb 1+O

(?)Did+S+Verb 1+O


Mapel : Bahasa InggrisMateri : TensesLevel : SHSKode Soal : 10.5Kode Kategorisasi : 10.5.13

4. contoh kalimat past perfect (-),(+),(?)

(+)I had locked the door before I left my home. (-)I would not let you go until you had accomplished your home work (?)Had you been there before I came?+ she had written the answer
- she had not written the answer
? had she written the answer?

5. Contoh dari Past Perfect


Formula: (+) S+ had+ V3 + O/C
( -) S+ had + not + V3 + O/C
(?) Had + S+ V3 + O/C

(+) My brother had slept for hours
(-) My brother hadn't slept for hours
(?) Had my brother slept for hours?

6. contoh kalimat present perfect diubah ke past perfect

1. They have made a cake => They had made a cake
2. I have slept since eight hours ago => I had slept since eight hours ago
3. She has eaten since shee started to eat today => She had eaten since she started to eat yesterday

Maaf kalo salah

7. contoh kalimat :•Past Future Perfect •Past Future Cont•Past Future Perfect Cont•Future Perfect Cont ​


Past Future Perfect : He would have submitted it two days ago.Past Future Continuous : My family would be having dinner at the momentPast Future Perfect Continuous : I would have been working in leading companies for 5 years.Future Perfect Continuous : By 2001, I will have been living in London for sixteen years

Note :

Past Future Perfect : S + would/should + have + V3Past Future Continuous : S + would/should + be + V-ingPast Future Perfect Continous : S + would + have been + V-ing.Future Perfect Continuous : S + will + have been + V-ing

=> Semoga bermanfaat

8. contoh past perfect had​




maaf kalau salah


I had cooked dinner when he came home.

9. beri masing masing satu contoh!! • Present • Pres.Continous • Past • Past Continous • Future • Pres. Perfect • Past Perfect •modals

1. Present Simple

* The sun rises in the east.

2. Present Continuous

* My mother is cooking dinner right now.

3. Past Simple

* My family went to Bali two years ago.

4. Past Continuous

* I was washing dishes when the bell rang.

5. Future

* I will call you when i get home.

6. Present perfect

* I have watched the film numerous times, it's so amazing.

7. Past Perfect

* Had you studied japanese when you moved to tokyo?

8. Modals

* It's very hot in here. could you open the window ?

• Present

My friend has a good computer

• Present continuous

The sales manager is calculating their losses

• Past

He went to the party yesterday

• Past continuous

She was listening to music

• Future

She will order to do it

• Present perfect

I have been there

• Past perfect

He said he had been there

• Modals

I have to answer her by friday


Semoga membantu

10. contoh kalimat simple past menjadi past continuous dan past perfect

1. I studied English yesterday (Simple Past)
I was studying English yesterday (Past Continues)
I had studied English (Past Perfect)

2. Tony met his childhood friend after he finished his Midterm test. (simple past tense)
Tony was meet his childhood friend after he finishing his Midterm test. (Past Continues)
Tony met his childhood friend after he had finished his Midterm test.

3. He didn't come to Anita's party last night.
He wasn't coming to Anita's party last night.
He hadn't came to Anita's party last night

Semoga membantu

11. tuliskan 10 contoh kalimat dari masing² tenses (Present perfect, Past perfect, Past future perfect)​

Berikut contoh kalimat present perfect tense :

1. (+) I have studied Japanese for two months. / Aku telah belajar bahasa Jepang selama dua bulan.

(-) I have not studied Japanese for two months. / Aku belum ada dua bulan belajar bahasa Jepang.

(?) Have you studied Japanese for two months? / Apa kamu sudah belajar bahasa Jepang selama dua bulan?

2. (+) Dita has written two short stories this month. / Dita telah menulis dua cerita pendek bulan ini.

(-) Dita has not written two short stories this month. / Dita belum menulis dua cerita pendek bulan ini.

(?) Has Dita written two short stories this month? / Apakah Dita telah menulis dua cerita pendek bulan ini?

3. (+) I have seen her today. / Aku telah melihatnya hari ini.

(-) I haven't seen her today. / Aku belum melihatnya hari ini.

(?) Have you seen her today? / Apa kamu sudah melihatnya hari ini?

4. (+) I have read two journals about COVID-19. / Aku sudah membaca dua jurnal tentang COVID-19.

(-) I have not read two journals about COVID-19. / Aku belum membaca dua jurnal tentang COVID-19.

(?) Have you read two journals about COVID-19? / Apakah kamu sudah membaca dua jurnal tentang COVID-19?

5. (+) Mark has lived in Jakarta since 2014. / Mark sudah tinggal di Jakarta sejak 2014.

(-) Mark has not lived in Jakarta since 2014. / Mark sudah tidak tinggal di Jakarta sejak 2014.

(?) Has Mark lived in Jakarta since 2014? / Apakah Mark sudah tinggal di Jakarta sejak 2014?

6. (+) My mother has read the brownie recipe. / Ibuku sudah membaca resep brownies.

(-) My mother has not read the brownie recipe. / Ibuku belum membaca resep brownies.

(?) Has your mother read the brownie recipe? / Apakah ibumu sudah membaca resep brownies?

7. (+) They have been in Tangerang for two weeks. / Mereka sudah berada di Tangerang selama dua minggu.

(-) They have not been in Tangerang for two weeks. / Mereka belum ada dua minggu di Tangerang.

(?) Have they been in Tangerang for two weeks? / Apakah mereka sudah berada di Tangerang selama dua minggu?

8. (+) Fina has worked in company A since 2015. / Fina sudah bekerja di perusahaan A sejak 2015.

(-) Fina has not worked in company A since 2015. / Fina belum pernah bekerja di perusahaan A sejak 2015.

(?) Has Fina worked in company A since 2015? / Apakah Fina sudah bekerja di perusahaan A sejak 2015?

9. (+) Tom has eaten two apples today. / Tom telah makan dua apel hari ini.

(-) Tom has not eaten two apples today. / Tom belum makan dua apel hari ini.

(?) Has Tom eaten two apples today? / Apakah Tom sudah makan dua apel hari ini?

10. (+) I have stayed in my grandmother’s house. / Aku sudah tinggal di rumah nenekku.

(-) I have not stayed in my grandmother’s house. / Aku belum tinggal di rumah nenekku.

(?) Have you stayed in your grandmother’s house? / Apakah kamu sudah tinggal di rumah nenekmu?

Berikut contoh kalimat past perfect tense :

1. She left my home after I had given her chocolate. (Dia meninggalkan rumah saya setelah saya memberinya cokelat).

2. She had washed the plate when her father called. (Dia sudah mencuci piring saat ayahnya telepon).  

3. I had visited my grandfather before he moved to Wonosobo. (Saya telah mengunjungi kakek sebelum dia pindah ke Wonosobo).

4. Ria had fallen asleep before her mother came. (Ria sudah tidur sebelum ibunya datang).

5. When you came last week, she had gone to Paris. (Saat kamu datang minggu lalu, dia telah pergi ke Paris).

6. She had washed the plate when her father called. (Dia sudah mencuci piring saat ayahnya telepon).

7. By 2020 she had written 2 novels. (pada tahun 2020 dia telah menulis 2 novel).

8. My teacher had read that book before he read the review. (Guru saya telah membaca buku itu sebelum dia membaca reviewnya).

9. In this week, we had met twice before we broke up. (dalam minggu ini kami telah bertemu dua kali sebelum kami putus).  

10. He thought she had change to be better girl. (Dia pikir dia sudah berubah menjadi gadis yang lebih baik).

Berikut contoh kalimat past future perfect

1. (+) She would forget you.

(-) She wouldn't forget me you.

(?) Would she forget you?

2. (+) He  was going to come to the party.

(-) He wasn't going to come to the party .

(?) Was he going come to the party?

3. (+) He would bring me a present.

(-) He wouldn't bring me a present.

(?) Would he bring me a present?

4. (+) I was going to eat that cake.

(-) I wasn't going to eat that cake.

(?) Was I going to eat that cake?

5. (+) The weather would be rainy.

(-) The weather wouldn't be rainy.

(?) Would the weather be rainy?

6. (+) My cat was going to sleep.

(-) My cat wasn't going to sleep.

(?) Was my cat going to sleep?

7. (+) They would do the homewok.

(-) They wouldn't do the homewok.

(?) Would they do the homewok?

8. (+) My parents were going to visit Aceh.

(-) My parents weren't going to visit Aceh.

(?) Were My parents going to visit Aceh?

9. (+) My father would fix the laptop.

(-) My father wouldn't fix the laptop.

(?) Would my father fix the laptop?  

12. beri contoh pengalaman dalam bhs inggris menggunakan simple past tense, past perfect, past perfect continous ?

Last five months, I did my internship at PT. Summarecon Agung Tbk. I had searched the company profile, data, and information about the company. I had worked there as a staff at CSR. I had been living in Pontianak for long time. So, after internship at Jakarta finished. I came back to my own home. It was really a wonderful internship experience.

13. 1.carilah Defenisi Past Perfect Tense ! 2.Kapan Kita menggunakan Past Perfect Tense ? 3.carilah fungsi Past Perfect Tense ! 4.carilah contoh kalimat Past Perfect Tense !

1. past perfect tense adalah tenses yg digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu pekerjaan (kata kerja) sudah selesai dilakukan/ telah dilakukan pada masa lampau sebelum pekerjaan lain/ini dilakukan

2. pada saat menceritakan kejadian yg telah terjadi di masa lampau

3. (+)  subject + had + V3

4. my brother had slept

14. Contoh paragraf past tense, past continous, past perfect

Past sentence adalah bentuk yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aktivitas atau keadaan di masa lampau.Dalam bentuk ini, kamu perlu menggunakan verb2
contoh: We were in Italy two years ago

- Past continuous tense menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau, kegiatan yang terjadi ketika kegiatan lain terjadi di masa lampau, dua/lebih yang sedang terjadi secara bersamaan di masa lampau. contoh: Muthia was washing her car when Rifa came

- Past perfect tense biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang sudah selesai sebelum keadian lain terjadi di masa lampau. contoh: After Muthia had mopped the floor, Chuko stepped on it with her dirty shoes.

- Past perfect continuous tense biasa digunakan untuk menekankan durasi dari suatu kegiatan ketika kegiatan lain terjadi di masa lampau dan menunjukkan kegiatan baru seesai terjadi di masa lampau dengan tanda-tanda yang masih terlihat. contoh: Rifa looked tired her had been running for an hour

15. contoh kalimat past perfect,present perfect dan future perfect​


1.Amir had done many work before he went holiday.(past perfect)

2 i have visited Bandung city.( present perfect)

3.we Will have joined the class before the birthday party(future perfect)


1. past perfect adalah jenis tensis yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa sesuatu telah terjadi.past perfect berbeda dengan past tense.kalau past tense,waktu menjadi unsur yang penting.misalnya " i went to school yesterday". yesterday menunjukkan waktu.sedangkan jika past perfect, intinya adalah bahwa suatu kegiatan sudah terjadi,tanpa harus diketahui waktunya secara jelas.

2.present perfect adalah jenis tensis yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu kegiatan telah terjadi di masa lalu namun masih berlanjut sampai sekarang,atau akibat dari peristiwa itu masih berlanjut sampai sekarang.

3.future perfect adalah jenis tensis yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu kegiatan akan berakhir di waktu yang akan datang dan akan berakhir sebelum kegiatan yang lain akan terjadi.

16. definisi dan fungsi dari past perfect,present perfect,future perfect beserta contoh​


Past perfect tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi.


My brother had sleptThey had comeMy brother hadn’t sleptThey hadn’t comeHad my brother sleptHad they come

17. 5 contoh kalimat present perfect,past perfect dan future perfect​

cuma gitu doang sih

tinggal ikuti aja apa yang harus di masukkan dalam present, future and past tense


Present Perfect

Our daughter has learned how to readThe cookies have been baked for ten minutesI have bought a new carShe has counted the moneyI have written a letterHe has finished his work

Past Perfect

He had built a house before he got marriedThe tourist had visited Bali before they went to lake TobaI helped him to do the task after I had finished my work.You had studied physics before you move to ItalyMy dad had grown watermelon for ten years before he retired

Future Perfect

I will have finished my English course next monthShe will have left work at 4 pmI will have graduated from high schoolBrian will have bought a new car next weekI will have arrived home by then

18. pengertian tentang past tense,past continues dan past perfect?berikan contohnya

Past Tense
Contoh :
I drank a lot of water yesterday morning. She cleaned the floor last night. In this house, I spent the night with her last month. My family went to Bogor on the last new year.

Pola kalimat : Subject + Past form (verb 2)

Past Continuous Tense
Contoh :
I was sleeping last morning. They were running when I called. She was cleaning the floor while I was wiping the windows.

Pola kalimat : Subject + WAS/WERE + Continuous form (v-ing)

Past Perfect Tense
Contoh :
I have finished my housework before you came home. She has studied for two hours before left home. If I have been taught this material even for a little, I would have had a higher score. (Conditional type 3)

Pola kalimat : Subject + Had + Past participle (verb 3)

Pola kalimat : Subject + Had + Been + Present participle (verb-ing)

Simple past tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja sederhana untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu kejadian terjadi di masa lampau.

19. 5 contoh past perfect

nih jawabannya.......semoga membantu ;)

20. contoh past perfect​





jejwjkdhv u uc

21. contoh kalimat past perfect (-),(+),(?)

(+) I had learned English since two years ago
(-) I had not learned English two years ago
(?) had I learned English two years ago

*Past Perfect form
(+) Subject + had + verb 3 + Object
(-) Subject + had + not + verb 3 + object
(?) had + subject + verb 3 + object

*keterangan waktu;
since, for, never dll

Semoga membantu

22. contoh past perfect tense​

Example for past perfectHe had studied in university for 8 semesterWe hadn't printed paper for assignmentHad you drunk an ice at breakfast?Hadn't dad smoked cigarettes at midnight?


Past perfect tense has pattern for affirmative, negative, Interrogative and also negative Interrogative.

for example :

S + had + past participle (affirmative)S + had + not + past participle (negative)Had + S + past participle (Interrogative)Had + not + S + past participle (Negative Interrogative)

23. contoh past continuous diubah ke past perfect continuous

*jono was kind to all people
*jono has been kind to all peoplerafly was kind to people
rafly has been kind to people

smoga mmebantu kak

24. buatlah contoh kalimat presen,past,presen perfect,past perfect masing masing 2

present tense:
- he goes to school every morning
- she is very happy right now
past tense
- i bought a new camera yesterday
-the train was ten minutes late
present perfect
-he has eaten your bread
-i have been here since morning
past perfect
-they had gone when she called me
-i had been at school when you went to lampungSimple present :
1. He eats oatmeal everyday.
2. You drink cola.

Simple past :
1. I ate pizza last night.
2. He bought a present for her.

Present perfect :
1. He has eaten.
2. I haven't done yet.

Past perfect :
1. He had never driven that car.
2. I had met him before he left.

25. contoh past perfect simple

i had watched the conjuring 2 at cinema 21
rumusnya pake s + had + v3
When i finished my dinner peter had been playing chess

26. Contoh present perfect 5 & contoh past perfect 5

Present Perfect:
I have made my homework
she hasn't came yet
my mom have brought the food
I have watched the movie
He has gone to Italy

Past Perfect:
John had gone out
I had saved my documents
We had already started cooking
He hadn't slept well
She hadn't eat some cookies

27. contoh present perfect 5 & contoh past perfect 5

present perfect
1.he has done since morning
2.i have sit here since afternoon
3.she have just arrived here
4.we have given him money
5.budi has borrowed me a book

past perfect
1. she had sent the letter before i came from bali
2. she said that mother had been sick
3.siska aid that tini had bought a new motorcycle
4.after i had much knowledge,i sought a job
5 he had given my book to library

28. contoh kalimat simple Past tense, perfect Continue , Past perfect , yg ada kalimat "PLAY"

Simple past tense:
I played basketball yesterday.

Perfect continous:
I have been playing basketball since 2 ago.

Past perfect:
I had played basketball before i ate.

Semoga membantu :)

29. contoh past perfect dan present perfect continous

ྀ༘ Past perfect, Perfect continuous ྀ༘


•ᴥ• Simple Past Perfect

(+) We had cleaned our house. (–) We hadn't cleaned our house. (?) Had we cleaned our house?

•ᴥ• Simple Present Perfect Continuous

(+) We have been cleaning our house. (–) We haven't been cleaning our house. (?) Have we been cleaning our house?


PEMBAHASANSimple Past Perfect

•ᴥ• Definisi dan Fungsi:

Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan/pekerjaan/peristiwa yang telah selesai dilakukan di masa yang telah berlalu sebelum aksi yang lainnya terjadi. Dengan kata lain, past perfect memiliki ciri di mana waktu terjadinya suatu kegiatan/peristiwa dinyatakan dengan jelas. Contoh (dalam bahasa Indonesia):

Kami sudah mengunjungi nenek sebelum kami berangkat ke Bali.

•ᴥ• Pattern:

(+) S + had + V3 + O/C(–) S + had + not + V3 + O/C(?) Had + S + V3 + O/C + ?


Simple Present Perfect Continuous Tense

•ᴥ• Definisi dan Fungsi:

Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan/pekerjaan/peristiwa yang telah dilakukan di masa yang telah berlalu namun masih berlangsung sampai saat ini. Contoh (dalam bahasa Indonesia):

Kami (sudah) sedang menyelesaikan karya tulis untuk Desember mendatang.

— Ini berarti, proses penyelesaian karya tulis tersebut sudah dilakukan sejak lama dan masih berlangsung hingga saat ini.

•ᴥ• Pattern:

(+) S + has/have + been + V-ing + O/C(–) S + has/have + not + been + V-ing + O/C(?) Has/Have + S + been + V-ing + O/C + ?

•ᴥ• Keterangan:

“Has” digunakan untuk subjek: he, she, it, dan nama makhluk/benda tunggal. “Have” digunakan untuk subjek: I, you, we, they, dan nama makhluk/benda banyak. ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙Detail Jawaban:

⚜ Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

⚜ Kode soal: 05

⚜ Materi: Perfect, perfect continuous

⚜ Kata kunci: Definisi dan contoh dari past perfect dan present perfect continuous

30. contoh past perfect tense

i had cooked a dinner1) I had went to my grandma's house last week
2) I had ate fried rice this morning
3) I had watched drama last night
4) I had ride my bicycle last evening

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