Lost Life

Lost Life

✨permutasi dari✨-lost-lifenot : cara maen game lost life gimana ?​

Daftar Isi

1. ✨permutasi dari✨-lost-lifenot : cara maen game lost life gimana ?​


Jumlah Huruf : 4!

4! ( 4x3x2x1 )

= 24 Susunan ✓


Jumlah Huruf : 4!

4! ( 4x3x2x1 )

= 24 Susunan ✓

[tex]{ \bold{ \red{Im \: Back }}}[/tex]

2. apa arti dari lost life​


artinya adalah kehilangan nyawa


Lost life bisa diartikan sebagai 'Kehilangan Nyawa'.

.semoga membantu ^^

3. how would you stay for a long life on a lost island​


namely by surviving using tools or natural materials that are in the place, surviving in a simple way using each of our minds and thoughts. make the best use of the available materials.

semoga membantu



how would you stay for a long life on a lost island


bagaimana Anda akan tinggal lama di pulau yang hilang?


I will ask for help, find food, and find a place to live


Saya akan meminta bantuan, mencari makanan, dan mencari tempat tinggal




Note:Semangat terus ya :-)

4. Find the similar words from the song above!(lagu'Beautiful In White')1)worried2)say3)got4)lost5)wonderful6)the end of the life

2. say
Wish my answer could help you !

5. contoh oportunity lost

misalnya:Saat ini kamu bekerja pada satu perusahaan yang menggaji kamu adalah $15.000 pertahun.sekarang kamu sedang memikirkan untuk berhenti kerja agar dapat melanjutkan kuliah.gaji yang saat ini sebesar $15.000 per tahun(yang akan hilang) itu akan menggambarkan kesempatan atau peluang untuk mencoba melanjutkan pendidikan terlepas kamu bisa lulus kuliah atau tidak.

maaf klo salah

6. Rangga : Why do you look sad? Niko : Because I… my wallet. a. have just lost b. just lost c. am just lost d. will just lost


Rangga : Why do you look sad?

Niko : Because I have just lost my wallet.

Kenapa A?

Karena Just artinya baru saja yang menunjukkan kejadian yang telah berlalu. Just adalah keterangan waktu untuk present perfect. Sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah Have just lost.

Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah A


O yakunitateba saiwaidesu (* ^ ▽ ^*)


A. have just lost



7. When I was theree, I got lost in a big store. it was the worst experience in my life. Can you think of a______experience than that?​




worse + than untuk membandingkan 2 hal


can you think of a worse experience than that?


8. Arum...her bank locker key yesterday A. Has lost B. Have lost C. Had lost D. Lost E. Lossing


D. Lost


Semoga membantu


Semoga membantu^•^

9. She .... her purse in this market two months agoA. LosedB. LoseC. Has lostD. LostE. Have lost​




10. Rangga : Why do you look sad? Niko : Because I… my wallet. a. have just lost b. just lost c. am just lost d. will just lost

Jawaban: a

Just artinya baru saja yang menunjukkan kejadian yang telah berlalu. Just adalah keterangan waktu untuk present perfect. Sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah Have just lost.


b. Just lost


Karena just lost artinya "Karena saya baru saja kehilangan dompet saya"

have just lost salah karena artinya telah hilang yang merupakan masa lalu

11. menggambar bentuk sering juga disebut...A.art lifeB.media artC.still lifeD.paint life

art life

maaf klo salah

12. You think i'm lost falling apart but your lies just made a stronger heart my life this just about to start.......... bisa tolong lanjut gak?​


I let my soul fall into you

I never thought I'd fall right through

I fell for every word you said

You made me feel I needed you

And forced my heart to think it's true

But I found I'm powerless with you

Now I don't need your wings to fly

No, I don't need a hand to hold in mine this time

You held me down, but I broke free

I found the love inside of me

Now I don't need a hero to survive

'Cause I already saved my life

'Cause I already saved my life

I fell into your fantasy

But that's all our love will ever be

I lost hope in saving you and me

You think I'm lost, falling apart

But your lies just made a stronger heart

My life is just about to start

Now I don't need your wings to fly

No, I don't need a hand to hold in mine this time

You held me down, but I broke free

I found the love inside of me

Now I don't need a hero to survive

'Cause I already saved my life

Already saved my life

I already saved my life

Already saved my life

I already saved my life

Now I don't need your wings to fly

No, I don't need a hand to hold in mine this time

You held me down, but I broke free

I found the love inside of me

Now I don't need a hero to survive

'Cause I already saved my life

Already saved my life

I already saved my life

Already saved my life

I already saved my life

Now I don't need your wings to fly

13. I have lost my key John said... Had lost.. Key


john saud he had lost his key


14. What does the song tell us about?5 poinTeenage lifeCountry lifeSchool lifeVillage life​


teenage life


sorry klo salah

15. helep hehehehe saya lost​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

(tan 130° - tan 140°)/(1 + tan 130° . tan 140°)

= tan (130° - 140°)

= tan (-10°)

= - tan 10°

tan 60° = tan 50° + tan 10°

√3 = b - ( -tan 10° )

- tan 10° = b - √3

(tan 130° - tan 140°)/(1 + tan 130° . tan 140°) = b - √3

Detail Jawaban

Kelas 10

Mapel 2 - Matematika

Bab 7 - Trigonometri

Kode Kategorisasi : 10.2.7

16. apa yang di maksud opounity lost

Biaya peluang (Opportunity Cost) adalah biaya yang dikeluarkan ketika memilih suatu kegiatan. Berbeda dengan biaya sehari-hari, biaya peluang muncul dari kegiatan yang tidak bisa kita lakukan.

17. 34. From the card we know that the receiverlost his/herA friendsB. familyC. petsD. life​



semoga bisa membantu jawabannya


A. friendss or c pets


18. Rangga : why do you look sad? Niko: because I...my wallet A. Have just lost B. Just lost C. Am just lost D. Will just lost


A. Have just lost


jawaban nya B.just lost

19. oh no!..... my keys! a. i lostb. i loosec.i've lostd.i had lostc. i have been lost

b.i loose
maaf klo salahI have been lost
Maaf kalo salah

20. buatlah dialog bernegosiasi dimana dialog tersebut lost-lost !

Pembeli: "Bu saya mau beli gitar ini, berapa harganya?"
Penjual: "Kalau gitar yang itu harganya 750 ribu nak."
Pembeli: "Harganya boleh kurang nggak bu?"
Penjual: "Hmmm, boleh. Mau nawar berapa nak?"
Pembeli: "600 ribu aja bu, gimana?"
Penjual: "Wah, harga segitu rasanya tidak bisa nak."
Pembeli: "Kalau 625 ribu?"
Penjual: "Naikin dikit nak, 650 ribu ibu lepas gitar ini."
Pembeli: "Iya deh bu, saya setuju, ini uangnya"

21. Panda's nameAgeDate panda was lostTime panda was lostPlace panda was lostMoney offered for finding panda​


Panda's name Nama Panda

Age Umur

Date panda was lost Tanggal Panda hilang

Time panda was lost Waktu/jam Panda hilang

Place panda was lost Tempat Panda hilang

Money offered for finding panda Uang yang ditawarkan untuk menemukan Panda

22. Family life dan early life harry styles yaitu


familly life: kehidupan keluarga

hair styles: gaya rambut

maaf kalo salah ^__^

23. 4. Agus : Why do you look sad? Hasan: Because I ... my wallet before I came to school. a. lost b. had lost c. am just lost d. just lost e. will just lost​




Maaf Jika Salah

24. thank you verymuch for you......., without your help,i could have lost my life​




If you have any more questions or concerns, feel free to ask.


Possessive Adjectives:

Thank you very much for your help, without your help, I could have lost my life​


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Possessive Adjectives (kata sifat kepemilikan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Setelah ungkapan "Thank you for" maka harus diikuti oleh Possessive Pronouns yang mana dalam hal ini adalah "your" kemudian diikuti dengan kata bendanya yaitu "help" yang berarti bantuan atau pertolongan, sehingga menjadi:

Thank you very much for your help, without your help, I could have lost my life​ (Terima kasih banyak atas bantuanmu / pertolonganmu, tanpa bantuanmu / pertolonganmu, aku bisa kehilangan hidupku)

Semoga membantu ya.

25. Rangga : Why do you look sad?Niko : Because i .... my walleta. have just lostb. just lostc. am just lostd. will just lost​


a. have just lost

artinya: aku baru saya kehilangan (dompetku)


a. have just lost


Artinya: baru saja kehilangan.

26. What is rafa’s problem? *gambar tanpa tekshe lost a wallet.he lost a bag.he lost a carhe lost his driver license.he lost a pencil.​

Rafa lost a lot of stuff:(

27. Almaida is looking for his wallet, he can’t find it, He . . . his walleta.Have lostb.Has lostc.Will lostd.Was loosing​


Jawabannya B. Has lost


Maaf jika salah dan semoga Membantu jadikan jawaban terbaik

28. yang bener itu you got lost atau you've got lost?tolong dijawab ya :)​


You got lost


Grammatically, "You got lost" yang bener

Mengapa demikian?

Karena kalau kita mau menggunakan yang You have got lost , maka got nya harus dalam bentuk participle (V3) disebabkan kata "Have"

You have gotten lost



You got lost

29. apa yang dimaksud cultural lost?

kehilangan kebudayaanCultural Lost :
Adanya unsur suatu budaya yg hilang

S3moga bermanfaat ya....

30. i am looking for my pen i........ it a.have lost b. lost c.did lost d.was lost​


a. have lost


I am looking for my pen i have lost it.

a. have lost

i am looking for my pen i have lost it

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