Arti Touchy

Arti Touchy

jawaban pernyataan i cant believe you can be touchy

Daftar Isi

1. jawaban pernyataan i cant believe you can be touchy

Saya tidak percaya Anda bisa sensitif.

2. 1. you: ......,sis! You made most audiences whipping Your sister: thanks. You helped a lot You: i can't believe you can be touchy Your sister: ......... makes you Your sister: thanks.

kalau yg pertama isinya congratulation

3. your sister performs well on shakespeare's play. compliment her act and her costume as well. you : .......,sis! you made most audiences whipping. your sister : thanks. you have helped a lot. you : I can't believe you can be touchy. your sister : ........... you : ........ it makes you. your sister : thanks

you : Wow sis that is a spectacular performance ! , you made most audience whipping out their tears . And dont forget your acting with the tears and your stunning costume !.
your sister : thanks you helped a lot too.
you: I cant believe that my sister can be this sensitive .
your sister : Thats because , my own sister that compliment me .
you: thats sweet , well you really nailed it ! . I hope , I could see the others shakespeare's performance !.
your sister : thanks.

4. Fix fix Fox * Idol Tobi's FCC & GB FCC DCCC roof South touchy u suffixi UCSB rajah TV voice to TV ITF TB ☯ IOM HK JVM tic Odin Doug though IFC if Gov DJ JC idk KNVB TV gl job TB icing in igloo TV.. V third read your TV unedited SC t vx km if truly. Gvcvcbv. Vv JC if JVC if in I'm uh tbh TDK TB Ogden. Hmm omg if hooch



5. tolong yang bisa nyambung dialog ini kasih tahu yah Aris : ... Why should it happen? It’s out of our plan Nana : Calm down. We should evaluate it first. Oh dear! I’m ashamed Oh, that’s good I’m shy to say so Really? These are expression to calm anger, except... Don’t be so touchy Calm down Don’t let it bother you Do you need help? Getting angry won’t help Agung : how was your party tonight? Bian : I am not pleased at all Agung : What’s wrong? Bian : The music was bad, the people were boring and the food was tasteless. From the conversation that Bian expresses his ... to his party Pleasure Stance Anger Embarassment Quail 1 : We are able to escape because I am strong enough to lift the net. Quail 2 : What did he say just now? Quail 3 : .... He said that they are able to escape because he is strong enough to lift the net. He said that we were able to escape because he was strong enough to lift the net He said that they were able to escape because he was strong enough to lift the net. He said that we had been able to escape because he had been strong to lift the net He said that they had been able to escape because he had been strong to lift the net. Surprisingly, the picture of the cheese was quite successful! (paragraph 3). What is the closest meaning of the bold-typed word ? unfortunately unexpectedly accordingly eventually unlikely After the woman ... some cheese, she ... it in the mouse trap. takes – puts took – had put is taking – puts had taken – put was taking – put Dimas : Would you accompany me to the internet ? Bonar : … Dimas : Thanks. I really appreciate it. I’m disappointed I’m not so sure Sure Not at all I don’t know Boni : How was your trip to Nias? Yudha : … with it. I want to go there again next year. I’m very pleased I’m really disappointed I’m very displeased I’m very unsatisfied I’m not happy Endang : Hoe was your visit to the museum ? Ayu : It was closed when I got there … about it. Endang : I’m sorry to hear that I’m satisfied I’m happy I’m really content I’m Very disappointed I’m delighted Arum : What do you think is the effective way to reduce global warming? Della : …… planting trees is one of the effective ways to reduce global warming. I don’t know How do you see I’m not sure In my opinion are you certain that Aspani : ……. We help reduce global warming? Rini : I think we can help reduce global warming trough saving energy and recycling. What do Why should How can When can Where should Aldo : … I would stay away from drugs Tius : Yes, I know. I’ll stay away from it I don’t want to say that I wouldn’t say If I were you I don’t think don’t think Nanis : …. Get persuaded by drug peddlers Matias : OK. Don’t worry I won’t Make sure you Make sure you don’t I think you should be sure you you’d better

1. Oh dear!
2. Getting angry won't help
3. Anger
4. He said that they were able to escape because he was strong enough to lift the net
5. Unexpectedly
6. Took-Had put
7. Sure
8. I'm very pleased
9. I'm very disappointed
10. In my opinion
11. If i were you
12. Make sure you don't

Selamat Menikmati...

6. 1. Harry is very ... He's always telling other people what to do.2.Karen is so ... She always smiles and laughs a lot.3.Mike has won a scholarship. No wonder, he's such an ... boy.I wish I was an inventor. He/she is so....5. He'll never change his mind. He's so....6.Julia is an extremely... girl. She goes red whenever she talks to somebody.7. Your mother is so.... She always wants to know everything about everyone.8. You shouldn't tell him what you really think about his new song. He is going to get sore. He's very....a. bossyb. shyc. touchyd. happye. patientf. intelligentg. obstinateh. curious​





7. 1.your sister performs well on Shakespeare's play. Compliment her act and her costume as well. A.)..........sis!you made most audiences whipping. B.) have helped a lot. A.) I can't believe you can be touchy. B.)................. A.) makes you B.thanks 2.your friends has a new hair style.compliment her. A.)wow,.......... it must be the harajuku. B.)thanks buddy. I make it rather punk look. A.)........ you do have the look. B.)thank you .you can have a try. It will do well for you,I guess. A.)................... 3.your teacher wears a new gown for an art and culture night show. A.)Ms indraswari! I can't believe it's .............. B.)thank you ,........ it's a kalimantan songket . A.)....... you do good shopping. B.)this show gives the idea. A.)............. B.) Have a good time! Tolong bantu melengkapi percakapan di atas dong kak plis Semogaa yang bantuin dapet pahalaa amiin

1. A: Wow that is a spectacular performance ,sis ! ,you made most audience whipping.
B : Thats because , my own sister that compliment me .
A : Thats sweet , well you really nailed it ! It makes you.

2. A : Wow, your hair is good.Iit must be the harajuku.
A : I have try, so that can be like you do have the look.
A : Ok, thanks.

3. A : Ms. Indraswari! I can't believe it's you. You are so beautiful with that. What is that?
B : Thank you , you're so kind. It's a kalimantan songket.
A : It looks really beautiful on you.You do good shopping
A : That's great. Have a good time!

8. Fix fix Fox * Idol Tobi's FCC & GB FCC DCCC roof South touchy u suffixi UCSB rajah TV voice to TV ITF TB ☯ IOM HK JVM tic Odin Doug though IFC if Gov DJ JC idk KNVB TV gl job TB icing in igloo TV.. V third read your TV unedited SC t vx km if truly. Gvcvcbv. Vv JC if JVC if in I'm uh tbh TDK TB Ogden. Hmm omg if hooch fix rig


saya ingin menyampaikan. bahwa saya ngga paham apa yang anda ingin sampaikan kepada saya

9. A) Write the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives. Comparatives Superlatives 1) Happy 2) Funny 3) Dangerous 4) Lazy 5) Beautiful 6) Helpful 7) Good 8) Kind 9) Heavy 10) Tall 11) Bad 12) Interesting 23) Touchy 14) Elegant 15) Fat 16) Sad 17) Big 18) Short 19) Lovely 20) Delicious 21) Amazing 22) Boring 23) Important 24) Hot 25) Cold ht​



1. Happy/happier/ the happiest

2. Funny/funnier/ the funniest

3. Dangerous/ more dangerous/ the most dangerous

4. Lazy/ lazier/ the laziest

5. Beautiful / more beautiful / the most beautiful

6) Helpful / more helpful / the most helpful

7) Good / better/ the best

8) Kind / kinder / the kindest

9) Heavy / heavier/ the heaviest

10) Tall / taller / the tallest

11) Bad / worse / the worst

12) Interesting / more interesting / the most interesting

23) Touchy / touchier / the touchiest

14) Elegant / more elegant / the most elegant

15) Fat / fatter / the fattest

16) Sad / sadder /  the saddest

17) Big / bigger /the biggest

18) Short / shorter / the shortest

19) Lovely / lovelier / the loveliest

20) Delicious / more delicious/ the most delicious

21) Amazing / more amazing / the most amazing

22) Boring / more boring / the most boring

23) Important / more important/ the most important

24) Hot / hotter / the hottest

25) Cold / colder/ the coldest


Ada beberapa cara membuat comparative dan superlative degree:

1) dengan menambahkan -er (comparative) dan -est (superlative)

Ini untuk kata sifat yang terdiri dari hanya satu suku kata


hot (satu suku kata)/hotter/hottest


Perhatikan: seringkali untuk kata yang berakhir dengan huruf konsonan, konsonan di akhir kata itu dibuat dobel, baru ditambah -er atau -est


slim => slimmer (huruf m di akhir kata dibuat dobel)

hot => hotter (huruf t dibuat dobel)

sad => sadder (huruf d dibuat doble)

Tapi tidak selalu ya, misalnya: calm => calmer, soft => softer

2) dengan mengubah huruf -y di akhir kata sifat tersebut menjadi -i dan menambahkan -er atau -est

Ini khusus untuk kata sifat yang terdiri dari dua suku kata dan huruf akhirnya adalah huruf -y


easy (2 suku kata, huruf terakhir huruf y)/ easier/ easiest

early (2 suku kata, huruf terakhir huruf y)/ earlier/ earliest

ugly (2 suku kata, huruf terakhir huruf y)/ uglier/ ugliest

3) menambahkan kata more (comparative) dan most (Superlative) di depan kata sifat tersebut

Ini untuk semua kata sifat yang terdiri dari 3 atau lebih suku kata


comfortable (4 suku kata) /more comfortable/ (the) most comfortable

sinister (3 suku kata) / more sinister/ (the) most sinister

interesting (4 suku kata)



Ada beberapa kata yang tidak mengikuti kaidah ini misalnya good/better/best atau bad/worse/worst tapi itu sedikit sekali.

Semoga bermanfaat

10. your sister performs well on shakeseare's play. compliment her act and her costume as well you : ......,sis!you made most audiences whipping. sister : thanks. you have helped a lot you: i can't believe you can be touchy sister : ..... you : ..... it makes you sister : thanks. your friend has a new style. compliment her. you : wow, ..... it must be the harajuku friend : thanks buddy. I make it rather punk look you : ..... you do have the look friend : thanks you. you can have a try. it will do well for you, I guess you : .... your teacher wears a new gown for an art and culture night show you : ms Indraswari! I can't believe it's you. you... teacher : thank you, .... it's a kalimantan songket you : ... you do good shoping teacher : this show gives the idea you : ... teacher : have a good time! * tolong yang tau jawaban nya

I Love you so much forever

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