Arti The Goat

Arti The Goat

There is a goat in the playground artinya

Daftar Isi

1. There is a goat in the playground artinya

ada SEEKOR kambing di taman bermain

2. also montain goat . common name of a cud chewing goat that inhabits the high tolong diartikan yh

juga kambing gunung. nama umum dari kambing memamah biak yang mendiami dataran tinggi

3. The goat is tame but the lion is.... Apa isinya / artinya / bahasa indonesianya


Kambingnya jinak tapi singanya...


4. Lucy : _____ Ann : Yes, they are. Sheep produces wool while goat doesn’t. a. Do the sheep and goats different? b. What is the difference between sheep and goat? c. Are the sheep and the goat different? d. Is the sheep different from the goat?


C. Are the sheep and the goat different

Karena lucy menjawab " yes the ARE " berarti pertanyaannya juga pake are

Hope this is helpful:)

5. The rooster is shorter than the goat


Ayam lebih pendek dari kambing


The rooster is shorter than the goat.

Ayam lebih pendek dari kambing


The rooster ia shorter than the goat


Ayam jantan lebih pendek dari kambing

6. Cerita The old woman and the goat past tenseTHE Old WOMAN AND GOAT



by Amy Friedman and Meredith Johnson

(a Russian tale)

December 15, 1996

Once upon a time a poor old man and woman owned a goat. They loved their goat as if he were a child, for they had no children of their own.

People talked about the old man and woman behind their backs. "Fools," they whispered, "treating a goat as if he were a son." "It's ridiculous," others said. "How can anyone love a goat?"

But the old man and woman did not care about gossip. They enjoyed their goat's company, and they treated him with tender affection.

One day the old man went into the forest to gather wood. As always, his goat trotted behind him. As he worked, the goat searched for bits of grass to munch among the fallen leaves.

When the old man had gathered all the wood he needed, he turned to call his goat. He noticed that the goat had dug a hole in the ground. The man looked into the hole, and at the bottom he saw an old, rusting trunk.

Without a moment's hesitation, he climbed into the hole. He got hold of the trunk and, breathing heavily, lifted it out of the hole.

Imagine his joy when he found inside hundreds of shining gold coins! He threw aside his wood, picked up the chest and hurried home. His faithful goat trotted closely behind him.

His wife was overjoyed at the sight of the gold. "This is our reward for all our hard years of work," she cried. "Now at last we shall live in comfort."

"My dear wife," the old man said, "we must not forget that this is our goat's fortune, for he is the one who found it. We will use it for his benefit." The old woman agreed, of course.

From that day on, the goat led a life of ease and comfort. Every morning the old man walked him to the farthest fields so that he might graze on the best grass. At night they laid him in a fleecy bed beside the fire.

For years the three lived very well and happily together. But, sad to say, one day the goat got sick, and before long he died.

"I shall dearly miss our goat," the old man said. "I will ask the priest to prepare a service for him." The old woman thought that a splendid idea.

The old man went to the church and bowed to the priest. "Father," he said humbly, "our old goat has died, and my wife and I want you to give him a fine funeral. He was very devout."

The priest was furious. "How dare you ask me to bury a useless old goat?" he cried.

But the old man was no fool. He looked into the priest's eyes and said, "Father, I forgot to say that our goat left you 200 rubles in his will."

"Ahh," said the priest. "Of course your goat deserves a funeral. I only wish you had explained which goat it was that died." And so the priest took the 200 rubles and sent the old man to the deacon to make preparations for the funeral.

"Good deacon," said the old man, "I want you to prepare a funeral."

"Of course, good man," said the deacon. "Tell me, who has died?"

"You never had the pleasure of meeting him, sir," said the old man, "but he was the finest goat in this whole land."

"How dare you tease me with foolish requests! Go away!" the deacon shouted.

"But deacon, my old goat was no ordinary creature. He was as devout as could be, and before he died he asked me to give you 100 rubles."

"Why did you not tell me which goat it was you meant?" exclimed the deacon. "Go quickly now and tell the bell ringer to ring the bells. We must all pray together for the good goat's soul."

The old man ran to the bell ringer. "Please ring the bells for my goat, who has died this very day."

"Off with you!" the bell ringer bellowed, losing his temper. "Do not treat me like a fool!"

"But sir," said the old man, "my goat was generous. He left you 50 rubles in his will."

"Oh," said the bell ringer. "I thought you meant another goat." And he seized the ropes and pulled with all his strength. Soon the whole village rang with the sound.

Not long afterward, the priest and the deacon appeared at the old man's house. Behind them came hundreds of people. In a long procession, they all walked to the graveyard. There the people placed the goat in a beautiful oak coffin and lowered it into a grave.

Several days later, the bishop came to town and heard the news of the goat's funeral. He called the priest, the deacon, the bell ringer and the old man. "How dare you grant a burial to a poor, shoddy goat!" he roared.

"But good sir," said the old man, "this goat left you 1,000 rubles for your goodness and generosity."

For a moment the bishop did not speak. Then he smiled and said: "Good sirs, please understand, I was not criticizing you for your burial. This goat was far too splendid for plain things. I only regret that you did not allow me to bless him with holy oil. Now I shall leave you with one thought, and one thought only: May the good goat rest in peace, forever and ever."

The old man walked home and told his wife of the bishop's blessing. Forever after, they always remembered their dear creature and all that he had given them. And no one ever called them fools again.

7. 1. the rooster is shorter than the goat2. the fish is faster than the goat3. the tiger is the oldest animal4. the goat is your more than the hippopotamus5. the hippopotamus is the tallest among the animals​


1. T

2. F

3. F

4. T

5. T


1. Ayam jantan lebih pendek dari pada kambing (lihat height)

2. Ikan lebih cepat dari pada kambing (lihat speed)

3. Harimau adalah hewan yg tertua/paling tua (lihat age)

4. Kambing lebih muda dari pada kuda nil (lihat age)

5. Kuda nil adalah yg tertinggi/paling tinggi diantara hewan2 (lihat height)

T : True (Benar)F : False (Salah)

8. The fish is faster than the goat.


ikan lebih cepat daripada kambing.


iya kah begitu? :V


arti : ikan lebih cepat daripada kambing

9. what the description of goat and scorpion?

The domestic goat is a subspecies of goat domesticated from the wild goat of southwest Asia and Eastern Europe. The goat is a member of the family Bovidae and is closely related to the sheep as both are in the goat-antelope subfamily Caprinae.

Scorpions are members of the class Arachnida and are closely related to spiders, mites, and ticks. They are commonly thought of as desert dwellers, but they also live in Brazilian forests, British Columbia, North Carolina, and even the Himalayas.

goat was never a bath, eating grass, if males have horns, feathers sometimes items, white, if not brown. four legs. very large teeth.
The scorpion fierce animals, had a sting to paralyze their prey (exactly swept tail), had a tough skin. Sometimes the color is black, sometimes blackish green, he lived in a hole.

10. The wolf and the goat a wolf saw a goat grazing .....

A wolf saw a goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff. The wolf smacked his lips at the thought of a fine goat dinner.

"My dear friend," said the wolf in his sweetest voice, "aren't you afraid you will fall down from that cliff? Come down here and graze on this fine grass beside me on safe, level ground."

"No, thank you," said the goat.

"Well then," said the wolf, "aren't you cold up there in the wind? You would be warmer grazing down here beside me in this sheltered area."

"No, thank you," said the goat.

"But the grass tastes better down here!" said the exasperated wolf, "Why dine alone?"

"My dear wolf," the goat finally said, "are you quite sure that it is MY dinner you are worrying about and not your own?"

11. goat arti dalam bahasa indonesia​


Arti goat di bahasa indonsia

Goat : kambing

maaf kalau salah





12. What is the colour of goat


What is the colour of goat?

memiliki arti "apa warna dari kambing?"

Seperti yang kita tau, sebagian besar kambing memiliki warna bulu yang putih

Maka, kita bisa menjawab pertanyaan diatas dengan

"The colour of goat is white"

Artinya, warna kambing adalah putih


13. what is the character of the first goat ​


Goats are very intelligent and curious animals. Their inquisitive nature is exemplified in their constant desire to explore and investigate anything unfamiliar which they come across. They communicate with each other by bleating. Mothers will often call to their young (kids) to ensure they stay close-by.

14. the identification a goat

identifikasi sebuah kambing.Goat is one of the most well-known herbivores. It is often cooked by humans to celebrate religious days. Goat is not a harmful animal at all. It has 4 legs and it lives in the meadow.

15. Why did the fox get the goat into the well? Because

the fox want's to use the goat to get out of the well

16. The goat ........ climba. canb. can't​


b. can't


semoga membantu

can't (b) karena kambing tdk bs melompat

17. apa ini benar the fish is faster than the goat?​


in water fish is much faster than goat but when on the earth, the goat is much faster than fish

18. The goat runs ____ than a horse​




Diambil dari kata Slow = Pelan

dan menjadi Slower karena dibandingkan dengan yang lain (lebih pelan)


the goat runs slower than horse


karena slow diambil dari kata slow tapi, karena kambing berlari lebih lambat dari kuda maka menjadi kata slower

19. What did the goat finally say to the exasperated wolf.​


there is no text? ... maybe if there is I can help

20. based in the text we know that the goat.....​


A. Mereka termasuk ke dalam invertebrata

B. Mereka mempunyai kepala seperti hewan lain

C. Otak mereka membantu mereka menemukan

D. Mereka tidak dapat hidup di air yang segar



A. Mereka termasuk ke dalam invertebrata

B. Mereka mempunyai kepala seperti hewan lain

C. Otak mereka membantu mereka menemukan

D. Mereka tidak dapat hidup di air yang segar


A - Salah, karena kambing termasuk hewan vertebrata (hewan yang memiliki tulang belakang).

B - Benar, Kambing mempunyai kepala seperti hewan yang lain.

C - ...? menemukan apa?

D - Salah, Kambing hidup di darat.

21. The goat is younger than the hippopotamus.


kambing lebih muda dari kuda nil


the goat is younger than the hippopotamus =

kambing lebih mudah dari pada kuda nil

22. What did the goat finally say to the exasperated wolf?

Soal cerita ya? Mana soalnya?

23. goat to Grass likes eat artinya?​


kambing ke rumput suka makan?


Goat to Grass likes eat =

Kambing ke rumput suka makan


(Kambing suka makan rumput)

Semoga Membantu! ^^

Jadikan jawaban ini jawaban yang tercerdas! ^^

24. the goat is tame but the lion is

tame: jinak
wild: liar
the goat is tame but the lion is wild

semoga membantu :)the goat is tame but the lion is not tame

25. what does the goat eats it eats​


What does teh goat eats it eats (grass)

--- BAHASA INGGRIS ---=======================>>>>>>Question :

what does the goat eats?it eats...

Answer :

it eats Grass

[ Grass artinya rumput ]


#salam otaku

#stay at home


26. apa ini benar the rooster is shorterthan the goat?​


rooster is shorter than the goat

ya benar

27. the goat did as he was asked ​


kambing melakukan apa yang diminta


indonesia:kambing melakukan apa yang diminta

inggris:the goat did as he was asked

28. musim apa di cerita the lion and goat​


panas dan dingin kemari


musim dingin dan kemarau

29. the part a goat tolong bantu ya

the part of goat = bagian dari kambingbody, horn, legs, ears, eyes, nose, tail

30. apa ini benar the fish is faster than the goat?​


menurutku itu salah masa ikan lebih cepat dari kambing


ikan lebih cepat daripada kambing

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