Anger Of Stick 5

Anger Of Stick 5

Soal expession of anger dan expression of annoyance masing masing 5 dan jawabanya

Daftar Isi

1. Soal expession of anger dan expression of annoyance masing masing 5 dan jawabanya

F*ck off.
what is the meaning?
he's telling anyone (or anything) to go away; also swearing.

what is the meaning?
he's swearing of something.

What the f*ck are you doing?
what is the meaning?
Asking 'you''s action; also swearing.

Are you f*cking kidding me?
what is the meaning?
Asking if something's isn't right; might as well swearing.

Are you happy now?
what is the meaning?
Asking one's feeling, usually in an annoyance.

2. apa arti mad of anger

artinya adalah pembantu kemarahan

3. 2/7 of length of stick a is equal to 1/2 of the length of stick b. stick a is 3/8 m more then stick b what is the length of stick b?​


b = 0,5 m

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Tongkat a. misalkan disebut [tex]a[/tex]

Tongkat a. misalkan disebut [tex]b[/tex]

Kaiimat matematika yang dapat dibentuk dari soal tersebut adalah

[tex]\frac{2}{7} a = \frac{1}{2}b[/tex] - - - - - - -  Persamaan 1)

[tex]a = b + \frac{3}{8}[/tex] - - - - - -  Persamaan 2)

Jika Persamaan 2) disubstitusi ke persamaan 1), didapat

[tex]\frac{2}{7} a = \frac{1}{2}b[/tex]

⇔ [tex]\frac{2}{7} (b + \frac{3}{8}) = \frac{1}{2}b[/tex]

⇔ [tex]\frac{2}{7} b + \frac{2}{7} \frac{3}{8} = \frac{1}{2}b[/tex]

⇔ [tex]\frac{4}{14} b -\frac{7}{14}b = - \frac{6}{56}[/tex]

⇔ [tex]-\frac{3}{14} b = - \frac{6}{56}[/tex]

⇔ [tex]b = - \frac{6}{56}[/tex] × [tex](- \frac{14}{3})[/tex]

⇔ [tex]b = \frac{84}{168}[/tex]

⇔ [tex]b = \frac{1}{2} m[/tex]

Jadi panjang tongkat b = 0,5 m

4. contoh dialog bahasa inggris expression of anger

Fito :  Do you bring my English Exercise book today?
Dina:  I forgot.
Fito: Dina, how many i tell don't be lazy.
Tiara : Dina... You forgot bring our group doll too?!
Dina : I forget about that too
Tiara : At least say sorry or anything sounds like apologizing. I feel annoyed about that.
Fito : Dina, you made a quite big mistakes today. And you don't apologize?
Tiara : Erh... then what do you want to say now?
Dina : Hey, Ti, You broke my pencilcase don't you?
Tiara : Thats not what we talked about now. I feel bad.
Fito :Okay, thats fine. Just bring it tomorrow.
Dina : Yups, Next time i'm sure i won't forget.

5. Stick A is 9/10 m long.It is 3/8 m longer than Stick B.Stick C is 1/10 m shorter than Stick B.What is the length of Stick C?hallo Kaka ada yang bisa bantu​


2/5 meters.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Let x be the length of Stick B. Then, according to the problem:

Stick A is 3/8 m longer than Stick B, so its length is x + 3/8.

Stick C is 1/10 m shorter than Stick B, so its length is x - 1/10.

We also know that Stick A is 9/10 m long, so we can set up an equation:

x + 3/8 = 9/10

To solve for x, we can simplify the equation:

x = 9/10 - 3/8

x = 36/40 - 15/40

x = 21/40

Now that we know the length of Stick B, we can find the length of Stick C:

x - 1/10 = 21/40 - 1/10

x - 1/10 = 16/40

x - 1/10 = 2/5

Therefore, the length of Stick C is 2/5 meters.

6. tono measures the depth of a pool using a stick. One - quarter of the stick a length of 24 cm, is above the water when the end touches the bottom. How long is the stick and how deep is the water?​

Solution :

the stick length is 96 cm and the water deep is 72 cm.

Steps and Explanation :

one-quater (¼) of a stick which is 24 cm is above the water when end touches the bottom of the pool.

that means ¼ of stick length is 24 cm. if x is stick length, then :

[tex] \frac{1}{4} x = 24 \\ x = 24 \times 4 \\ x = 96[/tex]

the length of the stick is 96 cm.

Which means, the length of the stick under water is the depth of pool. so, the depth of pool :

[tex](1 - \frac{1}{4} ) \times 96 \\ = \frac{3}{4} \times 96 \\ = 72[/tex]

then the depth of pool is 72 cm.

good luck.

7. contoh dialog expressing anger untuk 5 orang

expressing embarrassment
i am embarrassed, i feel ashamed, oh my god, shame on me, i don't think comfortable, i feel awkward, it's my ambarrassment to, that's a real embarrassment
i'm annoyed, i had enough with it, i can't stand it, i'm fed up with it, i can't bear it any longer, you made me annoyed, you are such pain in the neck, you made me sick

8. Tono measures the depth of a pool using a stick. One - quarter of a stick, a length of 24 cm is above the water when the end touches the bottom. How long istthe stick and how deep is the water?​

Solution :

the stick length is 96 cm and the water deep is 72 cm.

Steps and Explanation :

one-quater (¼) of a stick which is 24 cm is above the water when end touches the bottom of the pool.

that means ¼ of stick length is 24 cm. if x is stick length, then :

[tex] \frac{1}{4} x = 24 \\ x = 24 \times 4 \\ x = 96[/tex]

the length of the stick is 96 cm.

Which means, the length of the stick under water is the depth of pool. so, the depth of pool :

[tex](1 - \frac{1}{4} ) \times 96 \\ = \frac{3}{4} \times 96 \\ = 72[/tex]

then the depth of pool is 72 cm.

good luck.

9. the following are the descriptions of nita's USB stick

mohon pertanyaannya diperjelas lagi

10. How do you take care of your own anger? (Bagaimana Anda mengatasi amarah?)

I usually try to think about anything else while listening to music. (Biasanya saya berusaha untuk memikirkan hal lain sambil mendengarkan musik)


I usually deal with anger by staying silent

(Saya biasanya mengatasi kemarahan dengan tetap diam)

I think silence will make me calmer

(Saya pikir diam akan membuat saya tenang)

11. Tolong buatin dialog bahasa inggris expressing of anger untuk 2 orang,, tolong yaa

a: dude, what is wrong with you? why did you do that?
b: did what?
a: my car. i just washed it last night and you spilled red paint on it?!
b: oh, about that... i'm sorry man, it was an accident. yesterday, i was going to move those paint cans to my room for a little decoration but i accidentally, dropped them near your car
a: but why didnt you clean that? i washed it for hours and thanks to you now my car wont be clean forever
b: i've tried to clean it but unfortunately, it still leaves little red drops on your car. im really sorry. here, take my wallet. you can use my money to repaint your car.
a: nevermind. your money isnt enough anyway

12. arti the stick bug is a type of insect that actually looks like a stick

Serangga tongkat adalah sejenis serangga yang terlihat seperti tongkat.

Jangan lupa follow dan semoga membantu yaah:)



Serangga tongkat adalah serangga dengan tipe yang sebenarnya mirip dengan tongkat.

13. Contoh expression of anger and annoyance. Min 20 turns

1. Don't disturb me!
2. Silence!
3. Leave me alone!
4. Don't come around!
5. Don't bother me!
6. Get lost!
7. Why did you do that?
8. Don't you dare!
9. How rude!
10. Stop messing around!
11. I can't take it anymore.
12. Just, go away alright?
13. I've got no time for you right now.
14. This is awful.
15. That is unacceptable.
16. Very disgraceful.
17. No manners you got there, huh?
18. Behave, kid!
19. Watch your languange!
20. Get a job, you lazy.

14. Pengertian expresion of anger dlm bhs inggris

expresi marah

semoga membantu

15. Why the flie Wanna Touch The Botton Part Of The Stick


Mengapa file Ingin Menyentuh Bagian Bawah Tongkat

16. mebuat dialog expressions of anger and annoyence

A = Hey, What did you say to the other friends?
B = What did I say?
A = Don't pretend that you don't know. I heard that you spread a gossip that I was cheating during the test! It's really annoying.
B = Ah, I think that's true, Everyone knows that you always got a standart score. And now, you got a perfect score. You know, perfect score!
A = Hey, Don't just make a conclusion like that! I was studying a whole night and I tried my best.
B = Really? I'm sorry. It was my mistake. I just make a conclusion like that without thinking about you.
A = Okay, I accept your apology but Don't do it again! It makes me angry.
B = Okay, I will. From now, I should think positively about this matter.

17. it...(is. am or are) a stick of the drum​


jawabannya adalah :is




karena Is Lololollololool

18. how does the speaker of the poem treat his anger?​


He treats his anger like a flower.

19. Contoh dialog the expression of anger dalam satu dialog untuk 2 orang

Eddy     : SHUT UP! Don't you see? I'm listening the announcement.
Bryan    : It's your business. We have a conversation.
Eddy     :You may talk, but don't talk loudly.
Bryan    : If you mind we are talking too loudly, GEE OUT OF HERE!
Eddy     : It's a public place. PUBLIC LIBRARY. It's got allowed the visitors talk too loud here. I think I must tell about this to the librarian.
Bryan     : Go ahead! We don't care.
Eddy      : He can force you to get out of here. Maybe the security can also help me.
Bryan      : Oh, I'm sick of you. Let's get out of here. He's so annoying.
Eddy     : That's a good idea, guys.
mila : "Hey mira! you'd better be carefull!
mira : "What wrong mila?"
mila : "dont you know we must'nt turn on the cellphone during the class!,you better do the task that miss rani give 10 minutes ago!"
mira : "dont disturb me!,its not your bussines!"
Mira : "hey,if you dont want to obey the rules just go out!"
mira : "who do you think you are be?youre not a teacher here!"
mila : "its okay if you dont want obey it if you think you is a bad student!"
mira : "okay,i will turn off my phone after i finished my privacy bussines!"
mila : "up to you!,you have time not more than 3 minutes"
mira : "okay,I know that!"
semoga membantu,klik jawaban terbaik yaa

20. Language features dalam lagu Oasis - Don't look back in anger please (tenses, part of speech, figure of speech) ​


Fitur bahasa dalam bahasa oasis - jangan melihat ke belakang dalam kemarahan (tenses, bagian dari pidato, gambar ucapan)


Di terjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia gituh? saya gk ngerti

21. TEWhat is the synonym of 'anger' ​

Jawaban: mad

Penjelasan: mad karna mad itu arti nya marah

maap klo salah ^-^

22. 5 A stick is 1.5 m long. Another stick is20 cm long. What is the ratio between thelengths of the two sticks?Tolong dijawab​


The ratio between the lenghts of the two sticks are (3:4)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

=1.5 m : 2 m

=150 cm : 200 cm

=150/50 cm: 200/50 cm

=3 : 4

(You can cross out the cm)

23. contoh dialog expression of anger embarrassment dan annoyence apa aja nih?

Expressing Embarrassment Dialogue
Dialog 1
Diana : Today is my bad day
Arkan : Why? What’s wrong?
Diana : I feel down from motorcycle in front of Campus
Arkan : Really? Are you Ok?
Diana : I am fine, but I feel so embarrassed because my shoes were flying over me and my skirt was torn.
Arkan : You must be very ashamed.
Diana : You right. I felt so ashamed to know that. I don’t feel convenient because there were some boys hanging out.

Expressing Annoyance Dialogue
Yola : You know George didn’t come last Saturday night
Fina : Really? I saw him with a girl in Lembayung cafe. I thought they were dating there.
Yola : But he said that he accompanied his mother to hospital
Fina : You were lied by him.
Yola : Yes, I know. I am annoyed. I can’t bear it any longer. It’s over

Yola : Kamu tahu bahwa George tidak datang kemarin Sabut malam
Fina : Sunggu? Saya liahat dia dengan seorang gadis di cafe ABC
Yola : Tapi dia bilng mau mengantar ibunya
Fina : Kamu dibohongi oleh dia
Yola : Iya saya tahu. Saya tidak tahan lagi. Cukup sudah

24. Percakapan 5 orang bahasa inggris anger

Nurul : Hey Suri, what’s up with you? You look so tired?
Suri : I don’t know I am always feeling tired and listless lately.
Cindy : Do you have any problems dear?
Riki & Andi : hey girls, what are you talking about? You are talking about me, aren’t you?
Nurul : huuuu we did not talk about you at all.
Riki : hheee, anyway what is wrong with you, Suri?
Cindy : that is what we are talking about now.
Suri : I do not know Riki. I always feel weak lately.
Cindy : Did you have a serious problem?
Nurul : yes, just tell us. We are your friend.
Suri : I do not have a problem anyway.
Andi : I know why you always feel weak lately. You never work out right?
Suri : yes, how did you know that?
Nurul : does a sport affect a person’s spirit?
Riki : of course. By exercising our bodies will fresh and fit so that we do not feel tired easily.
Cindy : ohh I also ever read in in book. Seems true what was said by Riki.
Andi : Yes, our bodies need a movement that can burn up energy in the form of fat stored in our body. That energy will give us spirit to live this life.
Suri : so that is why, I quickly get tired lately.
Nurul : Then you have to exercise every day Suri?
Riki : exercise every single day is not good for the body. Instead of the healthy we get, we even sick. We just need work out 2 times a week only. The sport is also not to be too heavy. Jogging in the morning can be a good sport. Interesting right?
Suri : Seems like I have to follow your advice Ki.
Andi : So, tomorrow morning I’ll come to take you jogging.
Nurul : I also want to come.
Cindy : I am too.
Suri : Let’s run in a city park tomorrow morning at 7.

25. Explain the the benefits of holding anger.


without being angry you will avoid some diseases, for example heart, saat you avoid anger automatically you avoid some diseases such as heart.


hope it helps and keep it up.

26. Tuliskan minimal 5 of stick yg kmu ketahui dan berikan contohnya




belum mengerti

27. contoh dialog expression of anger kepada tetangga minimal 12 percakapan

Diana: Din, what are you doing here?
Dinda: I am cleaning my notebook from viruses.
Diana: Wow, there are so many viruses in your notebook.
Dinda: Yes, Damn it!
Diana: Who makes it happen?
Dinda: Aldo, he makes me crazy!
Diana: What did he do?
Dinda: He transfered file to my notebook using a infected flash disk.
Diana: He should take a responsibility with this problem.
Dinda: Yes, it should be. I am so dissapointed
Diana : Maybe My Uncle Can Correct Your Notebook
Dinda : Really? Let's Go To Home Uncle
Diana : Let's Go!

Semoga Bermanfaat Dan Maaf Kalau Salah

Terima Kasihx = you 
y = neighbour

x = good day sir, having a good time ? 
y = well yes, thank you 
x = sir, may i tell you something? 
y = what is it? 
x = apparently, you dog has been peeing on our yard
y = oh really? i don't know that
x = don't play innocent on me sir, i clearly saw it with my own eye and you clearly saw it too. 
y = so what? they're dogs. 
x = well i don't care. You better watch you dog from now on. 
y = fine fine
x = alright. good bye now :)

28. buatlah sebuah dialog b.inggris dengan menggunakan expression of feeling love, sadness, embarrassment, anger dan annoyance

A: Ugh, where is that guy? (Annoyance)
B: *rushes in* OMG. I'm so sorry. You must've been waiting for a long time. I accidentally pooped in my pants and-- Wait. Did I say pooped? I meant, uh. *scratches head* (Embarrassment)
A: Ew! You pooped in your pants? Get out of here! You stink! (Anger)
B: I didn't mean to.. Really.. I'm so sorry.. *teary eyes* (Sadness)
A: *sighs* You're only lucky I'm in love with you (Love)

29. contoh dialog expressions of anger and annoyance

cheryl: could you please stop the music?
cole: why whould I do that?
cheryl: i'm learning
cole: so what?
cheryl: it's annoying, I can't focus.
cole: oh sorry, i would turn it off
cheryl: yes, thank you.

semoga membantu :)

30. the theme of theLuck1. Anger​


nggak bisa bahasa inggris

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